Friday, June 18, 2010

The one who knows of the soul as true self, knows the ultimate truth

The one who knows of the soul as true self, knows the ultimate truth, which shines brightly and in which the mind [universe] rests. A Gnani, who is free from materiality and belief system such a person transcend the seed of birth.  

He who believes the world as reality is caught in the concept of cycle of birth, life and death experiences as reality, and he cannot cross the threshold of duality.    But for the one whose desires are satisfied and who is established in consciousness, by realizing the consciousness as the true Self, for him the ignorance vanishes in the midst of duality.  

This consciousness cannot be attained through study of the scriptures, neither through intelligence, nor through much learning. Ultimate truth is attained by the one chosen by the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. It is consciousness that reveals to the seeker its true nature.  

This ultimate truth cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or who is without knowledge accompanied by renunciation of ignorance. But if one strives by means of these aids, he will be able to understand and assimilate and realize the ultimate truth. 

Having realized the ultimate truth, a Gnani becomes satisfied with the Self- Knowledge. His ego is established in the Supreme consciousness; he is free from experiencing duality as reality. And he is in nondual tranquillity.

Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- knowledge and having understood, assimilated and realized the ultimate truth, the Gnani, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy the presence of the Immortality in this illusion of birth, life, death and world and at the time of the great end attains complete freedom in consciousness. 

The consciousness reflected in the intellect, become one with the highest imperishable consciousness, which is the Self of all.  

As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so a Gnani, freed from the three states, attains the nondual consciousness, which is greater than the Great. 
He who knows the fact that consciousness is ultimate reality verily becomes consciousness. He overcomes the illusory pleasure and pain; he overcomes the illusoriness of birth, life, death and the world and he becomes one with the consciousness, which is immortal. 

When one beholds the consciousness, then he, drops the duality

When one beholds the consciousness as self,  then  he, drops the duality, becomes stainless and reaches the supreme unity. 

Consciousness indeed is life; it shines forth variously in all beings. A Gnani, who knows it, does not babble. Revelling in the consciousness, delighting in the consciousness, performing actions, he is the knower of the ultimate truth.  

This consciousness is one without the second, whom the Gnani behold dwells  within the three states, is attained by unceasing practice of inquiry, analysis and reasoning and moving at right direction and assimilating the  right knowledge . 

Truth alone prevails, not falsehood. By truth the path is laid out, the Way of the non-duality, on which the Gnanis, every desire is satisfied, proceed to the ultimate reality.  

Consciousness shines forth, vast, self—luminous, inconceivable, subtler than the subtle. Consciousness is far beyond what is far and yet very near. Consciousness dwells in the mind as its formless substance and witness.  

Consciousness is grasped neither by the eye, nor by speech, nor by the other senses, nor by penance or good deeds. A man becomes pure through serenity of intellect; thereupon, in wisdom, he beholds it which is without any division.  

That subtle consciousness is to be known by the intellect here in the waking experience. Consciousness pervades all the three states. When the reason is rectified from form to formless, consciousness starts revealing itself.

The consciousness dwells in the mind

The consciousness dwells in the mind.  Mind is form, time and space. Without the mind there is no form, no time and no space. Consciousness is the support of mind; for in consciousness is centre of the mind in which everything that moves, breathes and blinks. One has to know the consciousness that to be as the true Self and beyond the understanding of the egocentrics. 
Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the mind. Mind contains the universe and its inhabitants are supported by the indestructible consciousness. Consciousness is the real and it is the Immortal. That alone is real and all else is mere mirage.

 Seeker has Take the inquiry, analysis as the bow, the great weapon and place upon it the arrow sharpened by reasoning. Then, having drawn it back with a focus of attention directed to the thought of the soul, strike that mark, that which is the imperishable consciousness.
Soul is the destination of the truth seeker. It is to be reached by an un-distracted attention. Then the mind becomes one with the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. 

In consciousness the mind rises as waking or dream. One has to   know that none—dual consciousness alone and give up all other talk. Consciousness is the bridge to Immortality. 
Seeker has to meditate on consciousness as self.  Then only he May cross beyond the sea of ignorance!  

 When one knows all and understands the fact that, the mind, which contains the whole universe, is created out of consciousness then he becomes aware of the fact that, all the diversity within the universe consciousness alone. 

Consciousness assumes the forms of the mind and appears as waking or dream. Consciousness dwells in the three states, as formless substance and witness. By the power of consciousness   the duality shines as reality. A Gnani beholds the consciousness fully in everything and everywhere in all the three states. 

When there is no confusion of the fact that the consciousness is the true self then all doubts are resolved. When consciousness is beheld as the ultimate truth then one becomes aware the consciousness is both mirage and its formless substance.  

The stainless and indivisible consciousness is pure; and it is the Light of lights; it is that which they know who knows the Self.  

The sun does not do not shine without the consciousness, nor the moon and the stars, nor these lightning, not to speak of this fire. When consciousness shines, everything shines after it; by its light everything is lighted.  

Immortal consciousness alone is before, that consciousness is behind, and that consciousness is to the right and left. Consciousness alone pervades everything above and below; this mind [universe] is that Supreme consciousness alone. 

By knowing the fact that, the consciousness as the true self of which all three states becomes known

The consciousness is the maker and the preserver of the mind, which is in the form of universe, and it appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. The Self-Knowledge is the foundation of all physical based knowledge. 

By knowing the fact that, the consciousness as the true self of which all three states becomes known?  

Two kinds of knowledge must be known. They are the spiritual Knowledge and the physical knowledge.   Of these two, the physical knowledge is of the worldly life.    And the spiritual [self] Knowledge is that by which the ultimate truth is attained.  

By means of the Self- Knowledge, the Gnani behold everywhere consciousness, which otherwise cannot be seen or seized, which has no root or attributes, no eyes or ears, no hands or feet; which is eternal and omnipresent, all—pervading and extremely subtle; which is imperishable and the source of the mind, which appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

As the spider sends forth and draws in its thread, as plants grow on the earth, as hair grows on the head and the body of a living man—so does mind, which is   in the form of  universe arise from the Imperishable consciousness. 

Ignorant , dwelling in darkness, but the intellectuals  in their own conceit and puffed up with vain scholarship, wander about, being afflicted by many ills, like blind men led by the blind. 
People, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: We have accomplished life's purpose. Because these performers of karma do not know the Truth owing to their attachment, they fall from heaven, misery— stricken, when the fruit of their work is exhausted.  

Ignorant, regarding religious rituals and humanitarian works as the highest, do not know ultimate truth. Thinking of their good work, with a motive to get reward for it in the next life or next world    they remain ignorant of higher truth.

Let a seeker, after having examined the mind and its substance that are gained by inquiry, analysis and reasoning, acquire freedom from experiencing the illusion as reality: nothing that is eternal can be produced by what is not eternal. In order that he may understand assimilate and realize that Eternal consciousness.  

The  seeker who has intense urge to know the truth , whose has the humility to listen  and whose is receptive, who does not use his accumulated knowledge as yardstick,  will be able to understand ,assimilate and realize the Self- Knowledge, through which one knows the consciousness, which is formless and nondual in its nature.  

Consciousness is the self—luminous and formless soul, uncreated and existing both within and without. Consciousness is devoid of life, devoid of mind, pure and higher than the supreme Imperishable.  

From consciousness are born the three states.   From consciousness come mind, which contains the oceans and the mountains, rivers of every kind of plants and flavours. 

The mind alone is the universe.  And consciousness is the substance and witness of the mind. The consciousness, hidden within the three states — He who knows this ultimate truth will be able to cross the threshold of duality. 

Until the thirst for truth has not come, he is immersed in the worldly pleasures.

When one is thirsty, he cannot sit idle he runs about for water. Until the thirst for truth has not come, he is immersed in the worldly pleasures. The desire for knowledge has not grown strong in people; therefore they are satisfied with the worldly religious life. One who is in quest for truth begins to inquire deeply until he reaches his destination.

Seeker has to discriminate between the three states and realize the fact that, body, world, people are all in waking and waking experience is absolutely unreal like a dream.

Seeker has to always think that this body is only an illusory apparatus created out of consciousness within the illusory experience [mind]. The mind is contained within the consciousness which is the true self.
The indivisible changeless, effulgent consciousness is lying hidden under these delusive veils; therefore its real nature is unknown to ego. The direction of the ego which always runs after the senses has to be turned within. One has to overcome the ignorance in order overcome the illusion. 

The body and universe is but gross -- it dissolves as the consciousness. Because of the accumulated mental impressions it remains until the Self - knowledge arises. Therefore, the seeker has to indulge in spiritualistic discrimination plunge this mind in the consciousness, which is ultimate reality. When the mind becomes aware of its formless substance, all limiting adjuncts vanish and one is established in ultimate reality.
It is difficult for people to direct their uncontrolled ego towards ultimate truth because of their inherited conditioning.