The one who knows of the soul as true self, knows the ultimate truth, which shines brightly and in which the mind [universe] rests. A Gnani, who is free from materiality and belief system such a person transcend the seed of birth.
He who believes the world as reality is caught in the concept of cycle of birth, life and death experiences as reality, and he cannot cross the threshold of duality. But for the one whose desires are satisfied and who is established in consciousness, by realizing the consciousness as the true Self, for him the ignorance vanishes in the midst of duality.
This consciousness cannot be attained through study of the scriptures, neither through intelligence, nor through much learning. Ultimate truth is attained by the one chosen by the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. It is consciousness that reveals to the seeker its true nature.
This ultimate truth cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or who is without knowledge accompanied by renunciation of ignorance. But if one strives by means of these aids, he will be able to understand and assimilate and realize the ultimate truth.
Having realized the ultimate truth, a Gnani becomes satisfied with the Self- Knowledge. His ego is established in the Supreme consciousness; he is free from experiencing duality as reality. And he is in nondual tranquillity.
Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- knowledge and having understood, assimilated and realized the ultimate truth, the Gnani, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy the presence of the Immortality in this illusion of birth, life, death and world and at the time of the great end attains complete freedom in consciousness.
The consciousness reflected in the intellect, become one with the highest imperishable consciousness, which is the Self of all.
As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so a Gnani, freed from the three states, attains the nondual consciousness, which is greater than the Great.
He who knows the fact that consciousness is ultimate reality verily becomes consciousness. He overcomes the illusory pleasure and pain; he overcomes the illusoriness of birth, life, death and the world and he becomes one with the consciousness, which is immortal.