Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The source of the pain and pleasure.

If one tries to search the source of the suffering than it leads him towards the formless  soul. The soul is the innermost self and  the soul is source from where  mind rises as universe and subsides back as formless soul.  

Siddhartha the prince with all his comforts of luxuries, when he saw the suffering he renounced all the pleasures of life and try to seek the truth of life. When he became aware of the true self, he became aware of the fact the life is nothingness. That is everything was created out of nothingness or formless consciousness and everything is nothingness or formless consciousness.

Modern man is pleasure hunter, and wants only pleasure of life not pain. Thus everyone is involved in hunting the never ending pleasure, and they try various methods, which suits to their own mindset, to get that pleasure that does not pass away. 

When one who is able to think, very deeply, will find the fact that, the pleasure and pain are created out same substance. And the nature of the substance is formless. The formless substance itself is the true self. The true self is the source of the experience of diversity (mind or universe or waking). The whole experience of diversity (I) is erupted out from this formless source.

Since man thinks he is an individual separate from the world and limits, the mind (I) to the physical entity, he remains in ignorance, and experiences the duality as reality. Thus he accepts the suffering as part of his life.

The pleasure and pain are impermanent within the experience of impermanence (mind or universe or waking). The mind (I) which appeared on its own also disappears on its own. The one, which knows the mind is created out of nothingness or formless consciousness and that nothingness  or formless consciousness is the inner most self and it    is everything, is free from the ignorance, which is the cause of the experiencing pain and pleasure as reality and it itself is uncaused.

Thus physical existence or universe or waking or dream is nothing but mirage created out of consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is real and all else is illusion. The one who knows the the world is illusion knows his  experience of birth life,death and the world nothing to with the innermost self ,which is the soul  or consciousness and his true identity.

When one is not aware of the subject [soul or consciousness] then he speaks on standpoint of the object [physical self/ego] as subject, due to ignorance of the subject.

It is difficult to understand assimilate the ultimate truth  within some  framework of some teaching or holding some philosophy as a yardstick.  one has  to drop all our accumulated dross to understand and assimilate and realize the non-dualistic or Advaitic  truth.  I am highlighting some scriptural citation only to show the seeker that the non-dual sages themselves declare that scriptures, religion and idea of god are unimportant in pursuit of truth.  It is easier to understand, assimilate   and realize the ultimate truth or non-dualistic truth by rationalizing our views and understanding:- 

One  have dropped old conditioning by accepting new conditioning by collecting new information. Information is not truth. Verification of information leads one towards truth. Therefore, one has to de-condition himself from all accumulated information, which is blocking him from de-conditioning and assimilating the truth.  

There is no difference between a religionists and Atheist, because both are believers. Religionists  believes in existence of God, and Atheist believes in no God. Thus the common thing between religionists and Atheist is the belief. The belief is belief, it not god or its no god. It is only a thought. Holding certain thought as truth is not truth. This belief blocks them to overcome the conditioning. Similarly, all the information collected without verification blocks one, and it becomes an obstacle in assimilating the truth. 

When one is not aware of the subject (soul or consciousness) then he speaks on standpoint of the object (physical self or ego)as subject, due to ignorance of the subject. Until he becomes aware of the subject he will remain in the grip of physical conditioning. One cannot   overcome the physical conditioning without the Self-knowledge.  The knowledge accumulated on base of the physical self or ego is mere intellectual speculation, makes one egocentric intellectual not a Gnani.    

When one is not aware of his own existence is not physical, then how can he be aware of the awareness, which is called soul or emptiness or nothingness or consciousness or self or Brahman or Christ.   Therefore, one has come out of the physical shackle, to overcome the physical conditioning.  Ego means physical conditioning. The conditioned ego is called man. When man considers himself as self he becomes ignorant of the soul or consciousness.  Thus this physical conditioning of the consciousness makes him believe the birth, life, death and the world as reality.  Until one believes in birth, life, death and world as reality, the self-knowledge is impossibility because he experiences the duality as reality.

Till one knows the existence of the soul or consciousness through deeper verification, he will not be capable knowing the existence of the soul or consciousness.

What is it that makes the body and the world exists for you? It is awareness. Mind is this whole universe in which you, me and others and everything that you, me and others know exists. The whole universe which contains you, me and others is mental; therefore it is mind.  

The universe [mind] is mere mirage or illusion created out of the self, which is the soul/consciousness. One has to analyze the mind through deeper thinking. Then only he becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not confined to the body; because the mind is the whole universe.  The universe appears as mind and the mind appears as waking or dream.  And waking or dream disappears as deep sleep. This fact has to be investigated and assimilated first.     

If the mind is whole universe, and the universe is in the soul, which is the true self; then what is there to claim as mine when there is nothing beside the soul, which is in the form of consciousness; when whatever is, is the true self or the consciousness. Consciousness converted in to waking or dream.  And waking or dream is converted into deep sleep.  Thus the substance of the three states is one and the same. Thus the substance itself is witness of the three states. Therefore, the substance and witness are one in essence.    The essence is consciousness. The consciousness is the ultimate truth.    

Thus, whatever is claimed as me and mine is meaningless from the ultimate point of view because there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.  

Consciousness is everything, therefore, there is nothing exist other than consciousness. Lectures limit consciousness.  If one wants to overcome the physical conditioning of consciousness, then he has to realize the fact that, self is not physical but it is formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness. So there is room for duality in reality, therefore the birth, life, death and world are mere illusion created out of consciousness.  

The form time and space within the dream are falsehood when waking takes place. Similarly the form, time and space of the waking are also falsehood when wisdom dawns.

The person, who stamped their foot on the ground to refute to show the world, is real, ignore that in dream he would do exactly the same--stamp his dream foot on the ground and assert it to be real. 
 The individual experience within the dream is reality with in the dream. Therefore waking reality is also is reality within the waking. This waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking. Only when self-wakes up in waking the dream becomes unreal. When the self, consciously wakes up in its formless nondual true nature in the midst of waking experience then all the three states are mere mirage created out of its formless nondual true nature.
The form time and space within the dream are falsehood when waking takes place. Similarly the form, time and space of the waking are also falsehood when wisdom dawns. The wisdom dawns only when one realize the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. Thus it is erroneous to judge and reason and conclude the ultimate truth on the base of waking entity and waking world because waking experience itself is illusion.
Suppose you were holding the same view in the dream, all your experiences and views are reality within the dream. The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when you become aware the fact that, the self is not an individual.  Thus whatever individual experiences experienced within the waking is as unreal as dream.
 Until one thinks body as body and world as world it is impossible to grasp non-dual truth, because his views and judgments are bases on physical self with the physical existence.  The individuality is reality with the waking experience but the waking experience itself is false hood. Thus holding the view as an individual within the false experience is erroneous on the ultimate point of view.  The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience. 

In waking the universe comes: in deep sleep   the waking goes. In waking is one born; in waking one dies. 

In waking one lives, in Waking one suffers. In Waking one earns, in Waking one enjoys. In Waking is one truthful or lies like a liar. In Waking one reflects on Virtue and Sin. In Waking do one lands in Heaven and Hell. In Waking is one happy, in Waking in sorrow. In Waking does one lose the distinctions of caste and creed. In Waking is one wise; in Waking is one unwise.

In Waking one has an urge to know the truth. In Waking one is in the illusion; in Waking is one shadowed by Doubts and confusion, in waking one thinks of reincarnation and rebirth.  In waking one thinks that he is born in this world and world existed prior to him. In waking one is in ignorance of the true self, which is consciousness. If one spots out the true self within the three states, one realizes the way to freedom. 

One is in action in Waking. In Waking one is bound by form, time and space. Waking is in the form of mind. Mind appears and disappears as waking or dream.  If there is no mind then there is no waking or dream. Waking or dream is born out of ignorance of the true self. Getting rid of the ignorance through wisdom is   the way to the release. In Waking or dream, one follows the Writ of habit. Waking or dream is a chronic malady; but within it also is its remedy. 

The true Self is not perceptible to the senses. It is perceived by Reason. It is not perceptible as a thing with form and attributes. To those whose attention is fixed on the body and the world, it is very difficult to attain Self-knowledge. It is also very difficult for them to see the consciousness as self. The attention towards the universe [mind] should be lessened by realizing the self is not the body. The attention has to be focused on the formless substance and witness of the universe [mind] should be increased. So long as the attention is directed towards the universe, the experience of birth, life and death will prevail as reality. But when the attention is directed towards the formless substance and witness of the mind, the ignorance vanishes and the sense of reality of the duality will disappear. Then there is unity in diversity. 

 This subject is vast and it has to be grasped only through deeper self-search

Upanishad say:-
  This Ataman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Ataman reveals Its own form. [Katha Upanishad Ch-II -23-P-20]
Mundaka Upanishad  :-
This Ataman cannot Its true nature. [    3 –page-70 Mundaka Upanishad  Upanishads by Nikilanada]
be attained through study of the Vedas, nor through intelligence, nor through much learning. He who chooses Ataman—by him alone is Ataman attained. It is Ataman that reveals to the seeker
When the Upanishads say:-

It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals its own form.  Then what is the use of indulging through our intelligence or our accumulated knowledge, when one is not chosen by the self, which is the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

There is no need for any philosophy in pursuit of truth because they take the seeker nearer to truth but they create more doubts and confusions.
The scriptures and theories and teaching based on the ego are not the yardstick. Using them as yardstick to understand and assimilate the truth will lead one towards pursuit of arguments. Seeker of truth has to discover on his own, the truth of his true existence by inquiring “what is mind?” and “what is substance of the mind?” and move forward.  

The ultimate truth is one without the second, the one is not in the sense half or two, but the one that remain forever One, without the second.  The consciousness is all pervading. There is no place where consciousness is not. 

Consciousness is in everyone, consciousness is in everything .consciousness is one behind many. Consciousness alone is. It means the universe and its contents are the visible form of consciousness. And consciousness in turn is invisible form of the universe, which appears as mind.   

 Since people all are not aware of the fact that, they are an experience within another experience [waking/dream]. The mind is an experience, which contains everyone and everything and the universe. Since one limits the mind to the physical entity, he forgets the fact that, his body and the universe is an experience, within waking or dream experience. It is impossible to unfold the mystery of his true existence without realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is consciousness.   If the self is not physical then it is erroneous to judge and conclude the truth on the base of the physical self or ego. Thus the truth has to be judges on the base of the true self, which is consciousness which is not an individual but it pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness. 

 Until and unless one rectifies the reasoning base from form to formless, the ultimate truth [Brahman] will not be revealed. 

On the standpoint of the formless soul/consciousness
"There is nothing to accept,
Nothing to reject,
Nothing to hold on to,
Nothing to let go of,
Nothing to grasp,
Nothing to spurn,
Nothing to embrace,
Nothing to relinquish,
Nothing to dissolve.

This is the truth.

~ From Ashtavakra-Gita

Self is “I-LESS”

First thing spiritual pursuit is a very personal journey, thus it is not story or biography. It is mental (inner) journey of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.  Only un-contradictable truth has to be accepted as truth. This is possible only through inquiry, which makes one realize the self is not form but self is formless (consciousness).  Once one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not form but self is formless then the reasoning based has to rectify from form (waking entity or ego) to formless (formless soul). Without rectifying the reasoning base from form to formless, it is impossible to understand and assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.  
The inquiry revel the fact that, neither the body nor the ego is self. Therefore, what is the use of seeking truth on the base of false self? Therefore, it is necessary to make sure of the fact that neither the waking entity nor the dream entity is the self.
All the doubts and confusion prevail because of the egocentricity outlook.  Seeker has to be soul centric to realize the non-dual truth.
Only serious seeker will think deeply because he is not at sure that his physical existence (body +universe) is illusion. Only when he inquires and becomes aware of the fact that the “I” [mind] is not self but the “I-LESS” (soul). Thus his understanding has to be based on the “I-LESS” not on the “I” (mind) ,which is false self within the false experience.  When “I” is not self,  but Self is  “I-LESS” than whatever seen, known , believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ as self is bound to be falsehood on the standpoint of “I-LESS” as self.    Thus it is necessary to realize the fact that, the self is not physical but self is formless to realize the mind, which is in the form of universe is myth.   
Until the duality prevails as reality there is destination, because the duality is bound by form, time and space.  The duality ceases to be real when one realizes the fact that neither the body nor the ego is self. 
Until one thinks the mind is within the body he will not be able to cross the threshold of duality.  Therefore, it is necessary to know “what is mind” and “what is the substance of the mind” and “what is the source of the mind”  in order to assimilate non-dual truth.
Without knowing what truth is, how can one know what is untruth? Mere bookish knowledge or knowledge based on speculation and assumption is mere playing with the words not non-dual wisdom. Intellectuality is   based on the false self thus it will not yield any fruits.   
How can one look on the conscious level when his body, ego and universe are an object to the true self, which is in the form of consciousness.  Until one traces the formless substance and witness of the mind, which is in the form of universe, the non-dual wisdom will not dawn.
The lengthy explanation in depth is very much needed in pursuit of truth, which helps the seeker think and helps the seeker to divert his attention from form to formless. 

  The scriptures and theories and teaching based on the ego are not the yardstick. Using them as yardstick to understand and assimilate the truth will lead one towards pursuit of arguments. Seeker of truth has to discover on his own, the truth of his true existence by inquiring “what is mind?” and “what is substance of the mind?” and move forward.   

The wisdom consists in knowing the truth, that everything [mind or physical existence] is consciousness. Freedom (truth)] is always there yet one does not know it.  But to those whose reason is turned away from physicality and who have attained the serenity of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self  are quite near to the ultimate truth. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.

When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.

The mind (universe) is emanating from soul (consciousness) means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. Mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness (soul) because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind (universe).

The moment one knows the mind (universe) is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world. 

Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.

The true nature of the soul (consciousness) is camouflaged by the illusion/duality.  To know the truth one has to discover and realize the formless substance of the mind or illusion. One has to learn to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint the formless soul as self.  

 Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the prime goal of the truth seeker. This goal is hidden within the mind as its invisible substance and witness. Therefore, it is necessary inquiry, analyze and reason in to the nature of mind/ duality/illusion in order to unfold the mystery of mind or duality or illusion.


Begin to see your-self as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.

As waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, so the mind [universe or waking or dream]   emanating from consciousness [soul/self] is not different from it.
The mind [universe or waking or dream]   emanating from consciousness  means the mind [universe or waking or dream]    being the effect from the consciousness  is not different from it. 

Analysis shows it. Analysis needs thinking. Wave has a form; but where is the form in the water? Where did the form come from? All that one can say is that the water [ocean] is not different from the wave. The mind [universe or waking or dream] the mind is the same consciousness  [soul] as the sea produces the wave the consciousness  [soul] produces the mind [universe or waking or dream].

Begin to see your-self as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.

 Whatever is based on the waking entity is bound to be falsehood because waking experience itself is false hood.   Since many teachers and teachings are based on the false self [ego or body as Self] and they consider the false experience [three states] as reality, they are incapable of grasping the witness, which is within the three states, but it is without the three states.

 Thus, the formless knower of the three states has to be grasped mentally and realize the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are mental.  They are impermanent. The formless witness or knower of the three states is permanent and eternal.  Therefore, there is a need to understand “What is Mind?” and “What is the substance of the Mind?” in order to understand and assimilate the non-dual truth.

 For this one has drop all his accumulate knowledge, which he is using as a yardstick and lands himself in pursuit of argument without reaching anywhere.  One has to think deeper and analyze and verify everything and accept only un-contradictable truth.  Nothing has to be accepted as truth because some great thinker says it or I am saying it.  

Those who lack the intelligence to discriminate between formless witness [subject] and three states [object] will not be able to grasp what is real and what is unreal. Both subject and object are consciousness, not subject alone.

The truth can never change. The nature of truth is, it can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to the whole of the universe. It is in the object [three states] alone that one has all changes, as deeper analysis points out.

 The subject [formless witness] remains unchanged. The subject [formless witness], as such remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes. The body and world are an object, and goes, but the subject or knower of the body and the universe, can never go. Seeker has to take this principle as his guiding thread and non-dual truth becomes easy to grasp. The formless witness can never be subject to the changes of the object; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that subject becomes object, or that object is subject.

If one wants to have absence of contradictions, absence of duality, there must be one entity, one being. If one has experience which is an object [mind], there is contradiction between subject and object, for "mind” is an object.

The duality is reality on the standpoint of the false self [ego or body as Self].  The duality is mere mirage on the base of the true self, which is formless consciousness. This understanding comes only to the serious seeker, who has real urge to know the ultimate truth, which is beyond the all the teachings and teachers. There is neither teaching, nor teacher, nor student in the realm of truth.  

Different paths will not converge to the same Ultimate Reality because they are based on the false self. They are not the different stages in the same path. People fight about the differences and greatness of their chosen paths but only through wisdom one can realize the Ultimate Reality.

One has to have perfect understanding and march a head, surely and steadily, towards that Ultimate Reality, which is consciousness or Brahman or Christ or Buddha. One becomes limited to the concepts, names and forms within the waking/dream. Waking/dream originates from the soul.

 The soul is the true self.  The soul is in the form of consciousness. Realizing the consciousness as the true self is truth realization. Consciousness is formless, limitless, permanent and unchanging, and by its nature non-dual and universal. The consciousness is the formless knower of the mirage [universe] which comes and goes.
Realize Brahman or ultimate truth or God here and now, in this very life, not in next life and in ii next world by realizing the fact that this life itself is illusion.  

The moment one knows that three states are consciousness, than there is no ignorance.

As ice and clouds are not different from water, so the mind emanating from the soul is not different from it. The mind (three states) emanating from the soul (consciousness) means mind being the effect from the soul (consciousness) is not different from it. Analysis shows it. Analysis needs thinking. The ice and clouds have form; but where is the form in the water. Where did the form come from? All that one can say is that the water is not different from the ice and cloud. The mind is same as the soul, as the water produces the ice and clouds, so the soul (consciousness) produces the experiences of the three states. 

One has to know this through analysis. As cloth when analyzed, is found to be noting but thread, so this mind, when duly considered, is nothing but consciousness (soul). 

As one start analyzing deeply through inquiry and reasoning he becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is consciousness. Thus, judging the truth on the physical base is erroneous because the self is not physical. Thus the reasoning base has to be rectified. Therefore, one has to rectify the reasoning base from form to formless, and then only it is possible to overcome all the obstacles which is blocking the realization of the ultimate reality.

When one refuses to inquire and reason and wants the truth on his own terms and conditions, on the base of his accepted truth, then it is impossible to cross the threshold of duality. They will remain satisfied with their preconceived speculated truth. 

Deeper analysis revels that matter is mere division created within the consciousness. When the division is identified with name and form it becomes a thought. When consciousness is identified with name and form then there is duality. The duality creates sense of reality in fragmented consciousness. 

When one discern truth on base of ego must also understand ultimate truth cannot be held onto; it can only be discerned in moment to moment experiences, for the truth of one moment is not the truth of another. Wherein one moves from one moment with a concept of truth into another, the next moment is entered into a prejudice based on the old moment´s truth, and in that prejudice, he is incapable of discerning truth of this new moment because he is still in the shackles of physicality. 

The physical truth is mere intellectuality based on speculation. Intellectual truth makes one egocentric and he gets emotionally involved with the teacher or teaching or theories or scriptures and will remain in pursuit of speculation. The ultimate truth is beyond form, time and space. To understand and assimilate the ultimate truth one has to first realize the fact that, the self is not physical but self is consciousness, which is formless.

If one realizes the fact that the self is formless, then seeking truth and trying to understand and assimilate the truth on the base of the form as self, is erroneous. Therefore the reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to understand and assimilate non dual truth. 

If one does not want to fully inquire and verify the facts, he cannot know the fact that he and his experience of the world is mere illusion created out of consciousness. If one becomes aware of the fact that, the consciousness (soul) is the true self, than he realizes, whatever he has seen, known, believed and experienced as a person is mere illusion.

Intellectuals argue, if everything is consciousness how can one give up anything? Can you give up anything? These types of question are speculation based on the ego or speculation. They are incapable of understanding and assimilating truth because they refuse to verify and they want the truth on their own terms.

How a yogi who practices Samadhi will understand the truth, when he thinks the self is limited to individual and universe is apart from him. Therefore, his understanding and realization is limited to physical self. He is unable to grasp the truth that, the whole universe in which he exists as person and perceives it is consciousness. 

The consciousness powers the illusion (universe) and consciousness can exit with or without the illusion (universe).

Self-Knowledge is quite different from meditation, yogic Samadhi and practices which are based on physical self (ego), which is the false self within the false experience. Meditation and yoga are not the means to acquire the self-knowledge but they are helpful tools in the preparatory stages to make one receptive and keep away from all the distractions.

Speaking of ultimate truth and then opining that one need not inquiry to verify the facts is meaningless. Even as a method to get at ultimate truth one has to analyze the mind (universe or waking). Speaking is different from realization.

Just as sugar generated from sugarcane juice is wholly pervades by that juice, so the mind produced in consciousness permeated by consciousness through and through. 

This can be understood and assimilated only through illustration of waking, dream and deep sleep. The body, ego and the world exist only in waking or dream. And waking is as false as dream. In waking and dream the consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere through and through. 

The three states appear from the ignorance of consciousness and disappear with the knowledge of consciousness. The mind appears from non-cognition of the consciousness and disappears with its recognition. 

The moment one knows that three states are consciousness, than  there is no ignorance. One has to know the consciousness is everything and everything is nothing but consciousness.
One has to Begin to see his -self as a consciousness with a body and the world rather than a body with a consciousness.