Saturday, October 15, 2011

If the self is free from the mind or universe it prevails as Atman or formless consciousness

The searches on the reality of the existence must end in discovery of the self, which is the substance and witness of the mind. Mind is present in the form of universe.  The universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  When the seeker discovers the truth he realizes the fact that, mind, which is in the form universe is mere illusion and the Atman(soul), which is in the form of consciousness is the witness of the mind or ‘I’. The Atman is the true self without it nothing can exist.

 Atman the true self is ever free from the mind, which is in the form of universe, even though it is within it, but it is apart from it. It is within because it is the formless and non-dual substance of the mind or universe. It is apart because it is not an entity or identity within the waking experience or universe.

If the self is in illusion, it is called mind or ‘I’ or universe. If the mind is in its formless non-dual true nature it is called self or Atman or soul or consciousness. If the self is free from the mind or universe it prevails as Atman or  formless consciousness. Atman the true self is free from the limitation caused by the physical identification within the waking experience.

Only by direct realization,  the seeker of the truth travels form the illusory experience of duality[waking]  to non-dual reality of his true existence. The seeker has to proceed systematically through proper understanding through inquiry analysis and reasoning and by realizing the fact that, the self is not the ‘I’, but ‘I’ is the whole experience of the Waking experience, which is in the form of mind or universe. Therefore, it is necessary to rectify the reasoning  base from form to formless and then only proceed deeper in inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Perfect understanding helps the seeker to discard all the inherited physical fetters with lesser time and effort and proceed deeper and deeper until all the obstacles vanish.

It is very much necessary for seeker to rectify his reasoning base from “form” to “formless”.  By rectifying the reasoning base by considering self as formless mentally   and proceed deeper in investigation.

Inquiry, analyzing and reasoning the three states on the formless base   the truth will start unfolding.
·         Was there mind or universe in deep sleep?
·         Is there deep sleep experience in waking experience?
·         When the physical body is not the experience of the physical body itself, what is that experiences this physical body, which experiences the world as a person?
·         If physical body is not self then what is that claims itself as self?
·         If ‘I’ is not the physical body, how can one search the truth on the base of physical body as self?
·         What is that stays with our without the mind or universe?
There must be sum invisible hidden substance within the three states as their substance and witness.

There is no brake in the identity, in the continuity between the three states. The mind is only a phenomenon of the Waking experience. Thus mind is only an experience without the physical witness. Therefore the witness of the ‘I’ that is waking experience or mind is the formless non-dual substance which is Atman.

The Waking experience rises and subsides in this invisible Atman unconsciously.

·         Waking connotes dual existence.
·         Deep sleep the non-dual.
Which one of these two is unreal?

Religionists think that they have god and the souls form the second, other than the mind. But there is no duality at all when the seeker becomes aware of the fact that self is not the ‘I’.

·         If self is not the ‘I’ then what is “Self” without the ‘I’?
“Self” is that witnesses the “I” that is Waking experience.

·         What is ‘I’?
‘I’ is mind

·         What is mind?
Mind is universe, which appears as waking or dream experience.

·         What is Waking or experience?
Waking or experience is an illusory experience.

·         Why Waking or dream experience is illusory experience?
Because, it is neither the experience of the waking entity nor of the dream entity.

·         Why it is not the experience of the waking entity or dream entity?
Because, the waking entity and the waking world and the dream entity and the dream world are within the Waking or dream experience.

·         Than what is it that witness the Waking or dream experience?
It is the Atman, which is in the form of consciousness is the witness of the Waking or dream experience.

·         The whole experience of the Waking or dream experience is illusory if they are viewed and judged on the standpoint of the Atman as self. 
That is right.

Therefore it proves the whole universe with all its contents is an illusion. Thus, taking the universe as reality, and searching truth is like searching for fish in sand dunes in the desert. Seemingly obvious duality between universe or ‘I’ and Atman or consciousness does not really exist, because both are one and the same in the substance.

When the seeking mind becomes aware of the truth and transcends this phenomenal illusion and becomes one with non-dual substance which is consciousness, the sense of duality or feeling disappears. Then there is neither duality nor non-duality only ultimate reality will prevail.

The universe is a web of illusion. Man is ignorant of the true fact that, the true “Self” is not the ‘I’ and he is unaware of the fact that, ‘I’ is the whole universe, which is in the form of mind he considers the ego as the real self.

It is waste of time and effort to seek the truth on the physical base believing universe as reality. The bondage and burden will remain as reality until the one becomes aware of the fact that, the Self is not ‘I’, but the formless witness of the ‘I’ is the true Self.

It is erroneous to seek truth on the physical based spiritual teachings such as religion, scriptures and god glorification and yoga. Religion and yoga certifies self as ‘I’, and the universe as reality. Whereas the reality is the formless witness of the ‘I’, which is consciousness, therefore the Self is consciousness or Atman.

The self is not the ‘I’, but the self is Atman, which is in the form of consciousness. The Self is nothing to do with the ‘I’ that is the universe, which appears as waking or dream experience. Consciousness, which is the true self, cannot be identified only as a particular form or object within the waking or dream experience, because it pervades all the three states as their formless substance.  And it is also the formless witness of the three states, which comes and goes.

The seeking mind which has the courage and strength to and intense urge to overtop the limits of the wide realm of the intoxication of the sense of ‘I’ or duality, which holds sway over everything. The universe with its intoxication of sense of ‘I’ and signifies undisputed sovereignty.

As a man looking as a past wanders what he has really achieved. In worldly sense on may have accomplished all the aims of his life, but in spiritual sense he has not achieved anything. Since he has not realized the fact that, self is not the ‘I’ but the ‘I’ is illusory universe, which is in the form of mind.

As a man one thinks that the world as real and he is born here to learn earn and live with religious code of conduct. People enjoy life by earning money and being successful by reaching the material goal. They believe they are not alone after the death and the people before them lead them to new realm of life in haven or paradise. All these theories are based on imagination believing the ‘I’ as “Self”.

There comes a point in everyone’s life one feels lonely even with all material achievement and orthodox way of living. Still one is struck by the mental suffering, for which no medicine of the physical world give relief. One finds even God, Guru, religion, scriptures and yoga will look very stale and inadequate and useless.  This uncertainty is fertile ground to turn once attention to acquire self- knowledge.   

The doubts and confusion crops up, why even the atheists who does not have faith in god as religionists also accomplishes  their material goal successful without following the religion, and god glorification, scriptural studies, living religious oriented life. Thus there is some mystery behind it.

It is not god, nor can religion nor scriptural studies not Atheism nor scientific revelation unfold the mystery of this existence? Until and unless people are more open to investigate the spiritual side of their experience and verify the facts, it is impossible to unfold the mystery of the existence. The focus of attention has to be diverted from form base to formless base. By rectifying the base of reasoning the one becomes ready to indulge in pursuit of truth.

Inquiry, analysis and reasoning lead the seeker to realize the fact that, the physical body, world, god and religion, are based on ‘I’ which is not the “Self”. Thus seeker should accustom himself to perceive that underlying unity which is consciousness within the three states. There is only consciousness as the substance which itself is the witness of the three states, how can anything can be separate from the formless substance from which is created out of.  Same way gold bangle and necklace though they are considered separate as forms and shape they are one in their substance as gold. Similarly the universe with all its multiplicity of manifestation is created out of one and only substance that is consciousness.

All the happenings within the universe are mere mirage witnessed by the formless consciousness.  The birth, life and death are happening within the mirage. Therefore ‘I’ or universe is an illusory object to consciousness, which is the subject.

Thus ‘I’ is an object; therefore universe, which appears as waking or dream is an object, therefore considering ‘I’ as self is erroneous. Whatever is happening within the object within the universe is happening within the object thus the universe is like a movie show on the stand point of consciousness, which is the true self.

The physical base viewing and judging the worldview keeps the real self in illusion creating the sense of duality as reality. Only when the nature of the mind, which is in the form of universe, is investigated and verified through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, the truth will start unfolding.

The mystery of the existence cannot be unfolded as a person perceiving the world as reality and viewing and judging the universe on physical base and demanding physical proof because the physical proof is the false proof.  It is only possible through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning to realize the truth, which is beyond physicality

Therefore rectifying reasoning base from form to formless mentally and proceeding deeper inquiry and reasoning is very much necessary. Seeker discovers and realizes the fact that, the man perceives the world within the waking or dream experience, thus they are mere mental states and their reality is illusory in their nature. Therefore the person and his experience of the universe are limited to the waking or dream experience.

The witness of the three states is not the person or physical body but the formless substance of the three states which is the knower of all the three states which appears and disappears in succession. The whole process of knowing truth is a mental effort not physical struggle.

Whatever is seen and known is only illusion, but the seer and knower of the illusory state are real. The seer and knower is the substance of the three states, which formless consciousness. The consciousness is the self not the ‘waking entity’ which is within the waking experience. Consciousness is free from the all the three states.  The universe is the state of birth, life and death, pleasure and pain.

The mind or universe is in the form of feeling.  That is the waking or dream experience is in the form of feeling. Consciousness is the feeler of the ‘feeling ’. Thus it proves that ‘feeling’ is not the self but the substance and witness of the ‘feeling’ is the real Self. Thus the feeling disappears in deep sleep.  The formless feeler is birth- less and deathless eternal and beyond time and space.  

If, the seeker has the firm conviction, that the self is not the ‘I’ but the ‘I’ is the “mind” or “universe” than he will be able grasp the truth and able to establish in consciousness.

To gain Self- Knowledge the seeker has to constantly indulge in Inquiry, reasoning, listening, analyzing, and reflecting on the subject, which is consciousness by realizing that everything is consciousness all forms and names are mere illusion.   The seeker has to analyze the three states to unfold the truth about their reality.

·         What is it that knows coming and going of all these three state, when the person and the world are present only within the waking or dream experience? 

It has to be the formless witness which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity.

·         What experiences the dream when the Waking experience is totally absent in dream?
It is the formless seer or knower or witness, which is in the form of consciousness.

·         What is it that knows of the deep sleep where the waking and dream identity are absent?
It is the formless witness or knower or seer.

·         If the dream is not experienced by the waking entity what is it that knows the dream in the waking experience?
It is the formless witness, which is in the form of consciousness itself is witnessing the waking experience. Therefore, the seer or knower or witness of the three states is one. Thus the seeker can come to firm conviction after verifying the facts through inquiry, analysis and reasoning. 

When the seeker has the firm conviction that consciousness is the Self, then he is free from the illusion of misery and suffering, bondage and burden of the illusory experience of the universe.  That is he becomes fully aware of the fact that, his experience of birth, life, death and the universe, which appears as waking experience is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus the substance of mirage, which is consciousness, is real and all else is illusion.  

The waking and dream are state of duality

When waking experience disappears the deep sleep  appears. In deep sleep the dream experience appears and deep sleep disappears. The sense of duality is with in the experience of waking or dream. Hence the waking and dream are state of duality. And deep sleep experience is non-dual because it is empty of experience of duality.

The dream is parallel waking experience. And waking experience is parallel dream. Therefore the invisible witness [knower] of the appearance and disappearance of dual and non-dual experiences is within the experience of diversity, but it is apart from it.  It is within the experience of diversity as its invisible substance. And it is apart from the experience of diversity as its invisible witness. It is apart because it is not and entity or identity within the experience of diversity.

In deep sleep there is no experience of diversity. Therefore the witness [knower] of the three states has to be traced in order to know the true self. The witness is unaffected and eternal because it is formless and non-dual in its nature.  Without the witness it is impossible to witness the three states.   Without the witness of the dream it is impossible to experience the dream. Similarly without the witness of the Waking experience it is impossible to experience the Waking. Similarly without the witness it is impossible to the experience of the deep sleep. Thus it is evident that the witness is apart because it is fully aware of the appearance and disappearance of the three states. Therefore all the three states have to be viewed separately in order to unfold the mystery.

It is very much necessary to realize the fact that,  the birth, life and death are reality within the experience of illusory  diversity. The individual experiences are happenings within the experience of diversity or mind.  The mind appears and disappears as waking or dream. Therefore the formless  witness of the three states has to be mentally  traced to realize the fact that, the  waking experience also is as real as dream. And the witness of the three states is the consciousness which is the innermost self is real and eternal.

Until man tries to seek, view and judge the truth on the waking entity, he will not be able to succeed in his pursuit of truth.  The waking entity is present only in waking experience. Similar way the dream entity is present only in dream. Therefore the waking and dream entity are not the same. But the invisible witness of the dream and waking is the same.  Therefore the truth has to be viewed and judged on the base of invisible witness of the waking and dream experiences, never on the dream or waking entity.

One can speak of dream and deep sleep experiences only in waking experience. In dream one is not aware of the waking experience or deep sleep. The dream appears on its own, it is no one’s doing.  Similarly the Waking also has appeared on its own and it is also nobodies doing. The birth life and death are reality within the Waking experience. The individual experiences are happening within the waking experience.  The waking experience is fully dependent on the invisible witness for its existence. Similar to the dream, as it is fully dependent on its invisible witness. The waking also disappears similar way the as the dream. The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when the witness of the waking is traced and realized. The invisible witness itself is the true self. Realizing the witness of the three states as true self is self realization or wisdom.

Only through proper and deeper understanding of the nature of the mind the aspirant becomes aware of the fact the experience of diversity is a mental experience created and sustained and witnessed by the consciousness  or Atman. Without Atman or consciousness the experience of diversity ceases to exist. Therefore the mind is an object to the self. And mind is a parasite is wholly dependent on the self for its existence.

Self seeks the abeyance of it self in deep sleep, but it cannot continue indefinitely to accept this self-refutation. Since, it is still in ignorance of its true nature due to intoxication of duality. Only when the self regains its true nature and it will be able to view and judge the worldview on the true base, consciously aware of itself, in the midst of experience of diversity, and prevails in the non-dual ultimate state of existence.

Though man attempts through sleep or suicide or by using drugs to escape the burden of experience diversity, but he cannot escape from its torturous suffering, until and unless he becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the self but the invisible witness of the ‘I’ is the true self. Only by realizing the true self he becomes aware of the fact that the waking experience is mere mirage and it is also as real as dream. Therefore it is necessary for man to have self knowledge to realize the fact that, only self- knowledge frees one from the state of the cycle of birth, life and death.

The burden and bondage of the waking experience binds to the state of illusion and propel him again and again into the maelstrom of the experience of diversity. Aspirant has to realize the fact that mind is an experience, not and experincer. Man and his world are experience within the mind. Therefore mind is experience of diversity, which contains the whole universe. Same way dream contains the man and universe. Till man thinks his an individual separate from the world, he is bound to be in the clutches of duality. Until he is in clutches of duality he will not be able to progress in his pursuit of truth.

Sleep does not confer positive benefit. Due to the fact that the experience of diversity is totally abeyance during deep sleep, the mind is actual union with the true self.  The waking and dream experiences both are dream to the self. When the self is dreamless it is in tranquility of its formless non-dual true nature, which is beyond the experience of diversity. But inasmuch as sleep is a submergence of the self into oblivion, it does not bestow upon itself the conscious realization of truth that, it will eventually experience, when it is freed from the clutches of the experience of diversity.

The shift from sleep to waking experience is from unconsciousness to illusory consciousness [waking and dream]. But full nondual consciousness can come only through wisdom or self-knowledge.

For the person who is unaware of the self:-

1.        Deep sleep----  unconsciousness

2.       Dream and waking ---- illusory consciousness of duality.

The beyond state of duality roused from wisdom or knowledge of the true self. The unconsciousness of the self always involves temporary return to the original nondual nature of the self regardless of the cause, whether it be deep sleep, swoon, drugs or physical accident. 

Therefore it is necessary to analyze the three states through inquiry and reasoning in order to go beyond the experience of diversity or duality. That is unconsciousness of the self to consciousness of the self. Therefore it is very much necessary to realize the fact that the self is within the experience of diversity as its invisible substance. And it is apart from the experience of diversity as its invisible witness. It is apart because it is not and entity or identity with in the experience of diversity.

1.       In deep sleep is totally unaware of the self and experience of diversity.

2.       In waking or dream is totally unaware of the true self.

3.       In state of wisdom is fully aware of the self and illusion.

Wisdom is not absent of diversity, but knowledge of the ultimate reality and fully established on the base of the true self and free from the burden and bondage of the experience of diversity.

The conscious and unconscious state of self is known only in the waking experience when the three states are analyzed through deeper inquiry and reasoning. The one that witnesses the conscious and unconsciousness is within the experience of diversity [mind] but it is beyond the experience of diversity.  It is beyond because it is not an entity or identity within the experience of diversity. Therefore the experience of diversity is an object to the true self. Thus, the true self, is fully aware of the appearance and disappearance of the three states is apart from it. It is within the experience of diversity because it pervades all the three states as its invisible substance. 

The mind itself is the matter. Without the mind there is no matter. Without the matter there is no experience. Without the experience there is no duality. Without the duality it is nondual reality. Therefore it is necessary to understand and realize the whole experience of diversity is created out of single invisible substance and there is no second thing other then that invisible substance in the experience of diversity. Only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning it is possible to discover and realize the invisible substance which is the true self.

When the true self is traced and realized, the ‘I’ or the mind, which is present as waking experience is mere mirage created out of the self or spirit. Therefore the whole experience of diversity is spirit in its substance.

Until one holds physical body as experincer and the world as reality one will not be able to overcome the experience of duality. One has to verify whether the physical body is an experience or it is an experincer to unfold the mystery of the mind. If one finds the physical body is experincer then the world is reality and whatever one sees, knows, experiences, believe as a person is reality. If one finds the physical body is mere experience then one has trace the invisible experincer of the physical body which functions as physical body and perceives the world. It is erroneous to give the authorship of the experience of the world to the physical body when it is not the experincer.  If physical body and its experience of the world are mere experience, on the base of the invisible experincer (witness) then the whole waking experience is as real as dream.  Therefore one can conclude the self is apart. The waking and dream are mere mirage created and witnessed by single substance.

The absent of experience of diversity creates unconscious non-dual peace. Wisdom gives the non-dual peace in the midst of experience of diversity. One has to realize the fact that the dream is experienced without the physical apparatus. Since the physical body and the world are within the dream. Thus question is who witnessed the dream without the physical apparatus. Similarly the waking also is experienced without the physical apparatus.  Thus it is necessary to find what it, which witnesses the waking, and dream without the physical apparatus to unfold the mystery of the existence. When the witness is not an entity within the waking or dream experience then it is witnessing the waking and dream as movie. When the whole experience of diversity is created out of single invisible substance and that substance itself is the witness it becomes self-evident that there is no second thing other then that invisible substance. Hence it is non-dual. 

It is very much necessary for the aspirant in the pursuit of truth to know the fact that ‘I’ is not the self but ‘I’ is the whole experience of diversity. And the invisible substance and witness of the ‘I’ is the true self.

Till one limit the ‘I’ to the physical entity and try to discover and realize the truth he will not be able to unfold the mystery of the mind. One has to realize the fact that ‘I’ is not limited the physical entity, but to the whole experience of diversity. Until and unless the aspirant gets the conviction the mind (I) is the whole experience of diversity he will not be able to realize the truth.

The individual experiences such as birth, life and death are happening within the experience of diversity. Therefore the self is the witness of the birth, life and death. The one who has realize the true self is spirit or Atman is free from the cycle of birth, life and death. The birth, life and death are happening within the mind which is mirage. The one, who knows the invisible substance of the mirage, as true self, is free from the experience of duality, which he was experiencing it as reality.

Self is absolutely independent. The only way to approach it is through constant reflecting on the invisible substance of the mind (I) and invocation of its formless non-dual nature.

Self is all pervading in everything and everywhere in the experience of diversity.  In order to awaken the self constant reflecting on its true nature through inquiry and reasoning the self will be awakened from the illusory experience of diversity.  Once the self is awakened one becomes free from the burden and bondage which he was experiencing it as reality.

The experience of diversity or mind keeps the self unconsciousness of its formless non-dual true nature. Only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning one becomes aware of the fact the ‘I’ is not the self but ‘I’ is the whole experience of diversity. Therefore seeking truth and realizing it on the base of ‘I’ will lead one towards hallucination. The truth has to grasped through inquiry and reasoning.   The mind is unconsciousness of the self. And self is unconsciousness of the mind. The truth is within the mind and it is without the mind. Therefore it is necessary to know and realize:  what is mind and what is the substance of the mind, in order to grasp and realize the nondual truth. 

Although the important work of self is always done during the waking experience. Dream and deep sleep experiences also play important role to analyze the truth.  The secret lies not in individual experience.  Therefore seeking truth on the base of birth identity will lead the aspirant towards imagination or hallucination.

The three states analyze serves as bridge to crossover to the beyond. The self swings between the dual and non-dual experience unaffected and remains as witness and reach is the state of equanimity. The absent of waking and dream is deep sleep. Deep sleep is unconscious state of the self. The conscious state of the self has to be realized only in waking by realizing the fact that ‘I’ is not the self, but the self is the invisible witness of the ‘I’. If one learns to witness mentally, the appearance and disappearance of the three states on the base of the invisible witness, then the wisdom dawns.

Only in waking and dream the self is not completely dormant as in deep sleep but it powers illusory experience of diversity. The greatest obstacle is practicing Samadhi on the base of physical entity or trying to achieve and attain wisdom on the base of physical entity as an author.

Aspirant has to realize the fact that the physical entity and the world are within the experience of diversity or mind and man perceives the world within the experience of diversity. All individual experiences are happening within the experience of diversity. Therefore birth, life and death are individual experiences within the experience of diversity. The witness of the experience of diversity or ‘I’ is formless and non-dual. Without the invisible witness the experience of diversity is impossibility.  The witness prevails with or without the experience diversity but the experience of diversity is wholly dependent on the witness. Thus holding the ‘I’ as self trying to negate other then ‘I’ is like attempt to empty the ocean drop by drop.

All the three stats are illusory. Waking and dream experiences are unconsciousness of the self. Deep sleep is unconsciousness of the self and illusion. The nature of the self is like deep sleep. But deep sleep is not the self. The self knowledge is possible only in the midst of the waking experience.

 All the three states are independent. Every state has to be analyzed separately. The waking experience should not be mixed with the dream and viewed. The dream should not be mixed with the waking and viewed. The deep sleep which is experience- less state is also as independent as dream and waking.  Experience-less state also is an experience.  Therefore it is necessary to trace the invisible witness of these three states which appear and disappear in succession.

Individual experiences happening within the three states are not impotent in acquiring the self knowledge. The individual experiences are nothing to do in pursuit of truth. When inquiry revels that self is not the physical body the individual experiences are meaningless in pursuit of truth. The aspirant has to focus his attention mentally on the self which is not the body and analyze the three states on the formless entity which is the witness of the three states in order to unfold the mystery of the mind.

Without coming to firm conviction about the true self which is the sprit or Ataman, it is impossible to move deeper in the pursuit of truth. The whole attention has to be focused mentally on the true self to realize the fact that the spirit or Ataman is the witness of the three stats which appear and disappear in succession.

The one which witness is the three states is not an entity or identity within the experience diversity. Therefore it is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the base of waking entity which is limited waking experience. Thus it is necessary to analyze the three states in order grasp and realize the presence of formless witness. Without that witness the experience of diversity is impossibility. 

When the all the three states are dependent of the formless witness the focus of attention has to be on the formless witness in order to overcome the duality. One has to learn mentally view and judge the worldview on the base of the formless witness to unfold the mystery of the mind.

There is no use of seeking truth on the birth identity, since the self is formless and it is beyond the birth identity. Aspirant has to think deeper in order to grasp this point.

When the physical body is not the experience of the physical body itself, then with what it is able to function and perceives the world as a person.  As a man one does not view and judge on the base of the self. Viewing and judging on the physical entity as self creates all sorts of doubts and confusions.  This doubts and confusion cannot be overcome; until one becomes aware of the fact the ‘I’ is not the self. Viewing and judging on the base of ‘I’ as self create conflict.  To overcome the conflict aspirant has to know what is ‘I’, in order to know what true self is.

Viewing and judging the world view on the base of ‘I’ as self create different opinions and theories. But in other hand when the worldview is viewed and judged on the base of true self the understanding comes easily. Therefore one has to grasp the self by deeper inquiry and analyzing and reasoning and learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of the true self.

The aspect of the experience diversity dream or waking] is that, regardless of the experience of diversity entails, it has no direct effect upon others then the person experiencing it.  Since al other person and the world are within the experience of diversity. 

The duality is within the experience of diversity. The birth, life and death are happening within the experience of diversity. Therefore the individual experiences happening within the waking experience are as real as dream.   Therefore it is necessary to know the witness of the dream which witnessed the whole dream without the physical apparatus because the person and the world were within the dream.

The whole confusion is due to limiting the mind or ‘I’ to the physical entity and thinking the person is apart from the world.  Once the aspirant realizes the ‘I’ is the whole experience of diversity and the physical entity within the experience of diversity is not the self. The true self is that which witness the appearance and disappearance of the ‘I’ or whole experience of diversity.

One knows about the dream and deep sleep experience only in waking experience. Thus the waking experience very is the state of action. There is no need to follow religion, god glorification, study the scriptures or practice of yoga and following any path in order to get wisdom. The wisdom dawns only when one analyzes the three states deeply and realizes the fact that the witness of the three states which appear and disappear is apart and it is formless and non-dual in its nature. Thus one has to learn the worldview on the base of this formless entity in order to unfold the mystery of the mind.

In the beginning it seems a difficult task but as the aspirant goes deeper in inquiry and reasoning he will get convinced and the will start having conviction. As the conviction becomes firm he will be able to view and judge on the base of the invisible witness and realize the fact that all the three state are mere mirage on the standpoint of invisible witness.
Once one establishes on this witnessing base all the doubts and confusions will get cleared. Once the aspirant has the glimpse of the truth, he gets the firm conviction and the mind turns inward again and again in an effort to understand it self. This process of establishing in the true base is purely a mental effort. The self is absolutely independent. The only way to approach it is, through inquiry and reasoning and constantly reflecting on its formless nondual true nature and invoking it.

The self is all pervading in everything and everywhere in the experience of diversity as its invisible substance and witness. Invoking the self is possible through discovering and deeper understanding what is truth and what is not the truth. And accepting the truth and rejecting the untruth. 

What is mind or 'I' ?

What is mind or 'I' ?

v  Mind is an experience.
v  Mind is duality.
v  Mind is in the form of feeling
v  Mind is form
v  Mind is matter.
v  Mind is time
v  Mind space
v  Mind is ignorance.
v  Mind is illusion
v  Mind is waking
v  Mind is dream.
v  Mind is myth.
v  Mind is mirage.

Throughout all ages aspirant in pursuit of truth have struggled during their life time, understanding the untold hardships in their effort to extricate themselves from the maze of actions and to realize the eternal existence by overcoming the mind or duality.

They fail in attempt because more they struggle with their physical self[ego] , the firmer the ego becomes gripped by duality through actions intensified with austerities and penance by speculation ,pilgrimages, meditation contemplation, ascetic utterances, silent contemplation, by intense activity and inactivity, by silence and verbosity, by japa and taps and all type yoga and physical based practices.

Emancipation from the grip of intoxication of duality and freedom from labyrinths of actions is made possible for all attained by a few, through perfect understanding. Only through proper understanding the aspirant is able to shed his clock of duality and realize the fact that the self is mere witness of the experience of duality which is mere mirage. The self is formless nondual eternal existence.

Aspirant has to become aware of the fact that only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning one will be able to have deeper understanding and realize the reality of the existence. Deeper understanding makes the aspirant to have a firm conviction that the self [consciousness  or Atman or spirit] is the only reality all else is illusion. The whole experience of diversity, which is present ads ‘I’ is a dream witnessed by the self that is sprit.


Religion was introduced for the mass mind set, which was unable to grasp higher truth and bereft of the old creed. So for them new religion may be concocted to suit their temperament and capacity.

Investigating into the nature of the mind and seeing the whole world in it, mentally and grasping and realizing the fact that, all the diversity is created and sustained by the consciousness and finally dissolves as the consciousness. Therefore, there is no second thing other than the consciousness in the experience of diversity. Thus the unity in diversity is possible only through perfect understanding.
The physical journey such as yoga and religion, paths and theories are for those who are incapable of performing the mental journey. Individual happiness is sought by religion, whereas Truth seekers seek universal peace, which is the true nature of the true self.
Religion is a means whereby one keeps society within a certain order. Those however who refuse to wait for the next world but want comfort here and now, are likely to follow the atheistism.
In the past religion was encouraged by the rich and the rulers because of the fear atheism because it may lead the masses to attack them and to rebel against established order of property and cause unrest in society. The poor are promised better life in the next world. Yet religion is needed for the masses, without it they might arise and rebel and become cause of concern: there would be no settled order, no stable peaceful society.
The Rulers of the past with the help of the sages had invented the religion and idea of god and injected and imposed it on people because they can give the people an opiate and keep them better under control.
Science has been opening the eyes of the people and exposed many myths of religious claim; that is why religion, with its fables instead of fact, its myth of a next-world heaven instead of making a heaven of this practical world, the some religionists are making the world hell in order to reach the paradise by causing the terror attacks in the name of god and religion.
West will gradually follow the path of the east, and imitate the east, and vice versa, which will result in the decay of all religion. The eastern religion like all religions cannot produce enduring good results; only the universal truth can do that. Therefore, universal truth is necessary to eradicate the unrest of the world caused in the name of religion and god.
The word "I” used in the eastern scriptures is not the individual me as one imagines, but the soul, which is the true self. Since everyone thinks the ‘I’ is self only the body is not self and base their theory and understanding on base of ‘I’ as self. It is very difficult for them to accept the fact that the ‘I’ itself is not the self. If this is understood the truth pursuit becomes easier.
The religion is based on the false self. Therefore there is need to understand realize the true self is not physical bit the true self is consciousness [soul]. The ritual worship of individualized gods and goddesses are only for mental children not for the seekers of truth. Religion renders ethical services to mankind.
There is no need to criticize religion, yoga etc. They are helpful in some way for those who are not on the pursuit of truth, but one has to understand the fact that they are no the means to self-realization. "Know the Truth through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning, is the only means to acquire non dual wisdom.”
The very fact that religions differ proves that each religion is a man made. Many in the West are giving up religion. That is inevitable owing to the decay of religious organizations. But their mistake is to rest satisfied with such negative inner life and not to aspire to something higher than religion after giving it up because their lean towards materialistic life.
Religion is a matter which must be left to individual feelings, not to intelligence. Religions keep mass mind set within moral bounds; without their help there would have been no hope for mankind. That is, religions prevent the masses from becoming even more beastly than they already are. The people cannot give up religious ideas in one day. It will have to be a gradual process by making them aware of the universal truth.

The credulous and unintelligent masses must have a religion but those who bestow serious seekers of truth need none.

As per the religion of Hindus the three "Ashrams" or stages in life were originally intended for three grades of intelligence thus:-

Religion: low intellects had to do 'karmas' works, ritual actions, chanting of mantras and indulging in bajans and prayers etc.

Middle intellects: Yoga: taking yellow robes, going to caves, ashrams etc.

High intellects: Philosophy: who wanted truth are concerned with no external rites or sanyas but depend solely on intelligent inquiry for their path.
In India, in the past the male birth is regarded as superior because a father of the male child can more easily renounce home and become a Sanyasin than a woman who is tied down by the care of her children.

Non dual wisdom can be attained by any house holder without disturbing his family life and that this path is easier; there is no need to renounce and take Sanyasa, which however is harder. Only it needs no distractions and more concentration. it is better to have been married status and lead the normal pleasures of life, and thus to have learn to evaluate sex at its proper worth instead of hankering always after sex so that the mind may pass on undisturbed and become more receptive to grasp and realize the non-dual truth.

Ashtavakra Gita which says: "For the wise man there is nothing to be renounced." He knows that everything is unreal, hence cannot be given up.
Yoga and meditation recommended as a temporary discipline to those who lack self-control. It will act as an antidote, counteract their inherent tendency, but the man who is already sufficiently level-headed and calm needs no such external discipline. In any case yoga/meditation is to be recommended only until the practitioner achieves some degree of self-control after which he may relinquish his old habits.

Yoga and meditation are a temporary discipline and for the training of the mind, for the mind to become achieve external peace, remaining unaffected amid troubles. It has no other purpose.
Mystic/yogi who objects to adopt inquiry and reasoning into the quest has an attitude of not allowing anything other than his accepted truth.
 ·  ·  · September 26 at 7:47am near Dharwad