Saturday, October 15, 2011

What is mind or 'I' ?

What is mind or 'I' ?

v  Mind is an experience.
v  Mind is duality.
v  Mind is in the form of feeling
v  Mind is form
v  Mind is matter.
v  Mind is time
v  Mind space
v  Mind is ignorance.
v  Mind is illusion
v  Mind is waking
v  Mind is dream.
v  Mind is myth.
v  Mind is mirage.

Throughout all ages aspirant in pursuit of truth have struggled during their life time, understanding the untold hardships in their effort to extricate themselves from the maze of actions and to realize the eternal existence by overcoming the mind or duality.

They fail in attempt because more they struggle with their physical self[ego] , the firmer the ego becomes gripped by duality through actions intensified with austerities and penance by speculation ,pilgrimages, meditation contemplation, ascetic utterances, silent contemplation, by intense activity and inactivity, by silence and verbosity, by japa and taps and all type yoga and physical based practices.

Emancipation from the grip of intoxication of duality and freedom from labyrinths of actions is made possible for all attained by a few, through perfect understanding. Only through proper understanding the aspirant is able to shed his clock of duality and realize the fact that the self is mere witness of the experience of duality which is mere mirage. The self is formless nondual eternal existence.

Aspirant has to become aware of the fact that only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning one will be able to have deeper understanding and realize the reality of the existence. Deeper understanding makes the aspirant to have a firm conviction that the self [consciousness  or Atman or spirit] is the only reality all else is illusion. The whole experience of diversity, which is present ads ‘I’ is a dream witnessed by the self that is sprit.