Friday, November 25, 2011

All modern age gurus, thinkers approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real.

All thinkers and intellectuals and yogis, gurus of the world hold the ‘I’ as self, and base their teachings and theories on base of ‘I’ as self.  That is the reason only the half-truth has been revealed. 

Yoga Vasishta  says:-  that the world is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.

All modern age gurus, thinkers and approach is  more practical, and they  stuck with the reality of the world, they  take  it as real.

People who are conditioned by religion will not accept anything other than their accepted truth.   The scriptures are meant for those who are stuck the practical life within the practical world as reality.

Universe is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself. Dualists’ sages’ approaches were more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they took it as real.

People think ‘I’ or ‘I AM as self only their body is not self. But they have to realize the fact that,   when the ‘I’ is there than only the body, ego and the world is there. If ‘I’ disappears than the body, ego and the world disappear.  Without the ‘I’ there is neither body, nor ego and nor world.  The ‘I’ is present when the mind is present. Mind is present only when the universe is present. Universe is present only when the waking is present. Waking is present only when there is ignorance. 

Thus ‘I’ is cause of the ignorance. Getting rid of the ignorance is very much necessary in pursuit of truth.

Non-dualistic truth is ultimate  truth; all dualistic systems hold false self [ego] as real self and false experience [universe or waking]  as reality.  Non- dualistic wisdom is culmination of all systems including theistic non-duality.   The true non-dualist will not quarrel and argue with any theoretical philosophy because he is fully aware of the fact that, this orthodox theistic non-dualistic scholars or pundits like Dualist sages could not distinguish between ‘I’ and ‘formless witness.’ The 'I' was the witness. Their highest was the Jiva. One is so much attached to the 'I' that he do not want to think that 'I' does not exist. Again one is unable to detach the ‘I’ from the Real witness. 

There is need to study the scriptures. One has to self-search the truth and realize it without the scriptures. And then when he reads the scriptures he becomes aware the scriptures are also saying the same thing but everything is misinterpreted.   

Thus holding the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self and trying to assimilate the self-knowledge will not yield any fruit.  Thus deeper verification is very much necessary to drop the ‘I’ or ‘I AM THAT – declared by the sages in the past which are useful only in lower stages.     

The ego , body and the world are within the  waking or dream’. They exist only when the waking or dream  is present. They are non-existent in absence of waking or dream . Thus identifying ‘I’, with  waking entity  alone, keeps one in the realm of duality. Thus, it is necessary to know the fact that, ‘I’ is not waking entity but 'i' is  the whole waking or dream experience. the waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking.

When one treats the ‘I’ as self, one thinks the self is within the body and it is limited to his physical entity alone. But the consciousness the innermost self pervades in everything and everywhere in all  the all the three states,  as  their formless substance and witness. Thus one has to trace the formless witness of the three states in order to realize the three states,  which appear and disappear  in succession are   mere mirage  created out of consciousness . On the standpoint of the formless witness the three states are non-extent.

The sense of self (‘I’) is present only within the waking or dream and it disappears in deep sleep. "There is the connectivity of ‘self in deep sleep. And one is aware of the dream and deep sleep experiences only  in waking. But in dream,  the dream entity is unaware of the waking experience. In deep sleep the dream or waking experience are  totally absent.  Then it proves the fact of the existence of a formless witness which is fully aware of the three states, which appear and disappear in succession. Thus, it is necessary to trace the formless witness, mentally to realize, it is the true self, and it is apart. It is apart because it is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream.   

The  mind or waking or dream are absent in deep sleep.    therefore  it is not identical with the consciousness  the  innermost self 'because the innermost self is ever formless.  There is no trace of duality in soul or consciousness . The duality exists only when there is waking or dream.

Mind(I) is associated and limited to dream  or waking; the innermost self becomes free from mind(I)  in deep sleep. Soul or consciousness is ever present  in all the three states therefore it is all and ever-knowing.

Physical eyes are not meant to grasp.  One has to grasp it mentally. The reasoning mind is the, the eye of the physical eye, as is clear in dreams.

The focus of attention has to be turned on the formless witness because grasping the truth is possible only when the focus is turned towards the formless witness.
Because of inherited conditioning people still hanging on to believe whatever they have inherited is ultimate truth, and they never bother to verify the validity of their belief and belief system . Even after one knows the truth, intellectually, he still has to do the actual inner work for him to get the firm conviction to realize it.  

One must mentally  turn The focus of attention from the waking or dream and fixed on formless witness of the three states in order to grasp it.”

The understanding based on what is observed require the two conditions, namely, elimination of others and concentration on the one. But in pursuit of truth   it differs from them,   it requires only one condition: elimination of all understanding based on what is observed.

The reason for this is although the innermost  self is unknowable because it is the very basis  of the physical existence and it is prior to anything that exists; it is still realizable by serious seekers.

The soul or consciousness witnesses form, time and space together.

Advaita  or non-duality means - there should not be any second thing other than the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.   Time represents duality.  The moment means time. Past, present and future is based on the time. Without the past, there is no present. Without the present, there is no future.  The times always refers to duality. The self is the substance and witness of the time. Thus, past, present and future is mere illusion to the soul, which is the innermost self.  Thus, one has to mentally go beyond, time and space. 

The soul or consciousness witnesses form, time and space together. Time becomes present, moves towards the future. Thus, present moment is a passing show. Thus, present moment is impermanent.  Time is mere an object to the formless subject(soul). When the time ceases only the substance and witness will prevail, which is called Brahman or emptiness or nirvana.  All these theories are based on the ego (waking entity), which is false self within the false experience (waking experience). Many Gurus preach the present moment theories and watching the thoughts.  They are unaware of the fact, that the witness is not physical.

  The non-dual tranquility comes only when your focus of attention on the Formless witness of the form, time and space.  Thus remaining in the present moment, one has to be aware of the form and space, because without the form, there is no sense of time. If one is in time, you are in the realm of duality.  Since the form, time and space are created out of one single substance, thus there is no truth in them, because form, time and space are one in essence.  Thus, form, time and space are like an ice block, and consciousness (FW) is like water. Knowing and realizing form, time and space are consciousness in their essence, is wisdom.  Form time and space (witnessed) ceases to exist without consciousness (FW).

Orthodox and scriptural scholars do not accept anything other than their accepted truth. Scriptural knowledge leads them nowhere.  


  • In the deep sleep there is neither waking nor dream experience. The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. In the deep sleep experience the waking or dream too is dormant and consciousness alone is there. In deep sleep there is only non-dual tranquility and total ignorance of everything, as is proved by the fact that, when a person wakes up from sleep he or she says, “I slept deeply, I did not know anything”. This proves that the soul, which is in the form consciousness, exists in the deep sleep in its formless non-dual true nature. In deep sleep there is nothing but the consciousness in its own awareness. The waking or dream is only a mirage created out of consciousness. Due to ignorance the mirage is experienced as reality by the false self within the false experience. When self-knowledge arises, this ignorance is destroyed then the self, which is in the form of consciousness alone remains, which can never be negated.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:38am
  • Consciousness is devoid of all qualities and is neither a doer nor an experiencer. In ignorance it appears as waking experience or dream. And in deep sleep it remains in its formless non-dual true nature. Thus the one that appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep is consciousness. Thus all the three states are consciousness because there is no second thing exists, other than consciousness.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:36am
  • All the confusion is because some thinkers’ people hold the physical body itself is the self, another that the sense organs are the self, yet another that the mind is the self. All these are rejected when one becomes aware of the fact that, the soul, which is in the form of consciousness as true self. Many people hold on to the concept that there is no such thing as soul because their teacher said so or some teaching said so or some scripters say so. Thus they get stuck with the idea of no soul and remain as stagnant water dropping all the further investigation and trying to find answers for their shortcomings in their worldly life.

    Deeper investigation reveals the fact that, the individual self is limited to the waking entity or dream entity, is not the self, because the waking experience is also falsehood. Therefore, the self is the formless knower [witness] of the coming and going of the three states. And also it is the formless substance of the three states. Thus, the soul is in the form of consciousness, is the true self.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:35am

    • David Nye and Dipak Lawate like this.

    • The view of materialists that there is no self or soul different from the body has to be rejected, because the consciousness itself is the soul, which pervades all the three states. Materialists do not accept the existence of a soul different from the body but how can they find the soul within the body when it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.
      · · · Wednesday at 2:33am

  • ‘Self ‘is beyond the waking or dream because it is neither the waking entity nor it is the dream entity. The self exists by itself only in deep sleep without the limitation of sense of form, time and space. The self is attribute- less, non-dual entity which alone prevails when all the three states are negated mentally.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:32am
  • “True Self” is neither five elements, nor any of the organs individually, nor all the elements or organs together as a whole. The body and universe exists within the waking or dream. Thus the body and the universe are limited to the waking or dream. The self is within the universe, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. It is within the waking or dream as their formless substance and it is without the waking or dream as their formless witness. If is within because the waking or dream are mere mirage created out of the self, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus forms and names within waking or dream have no value because the waking or dreams are mere mirage created out of the consciousness. The waking or dreams are impermanent whereas the formless substance and witness of the waking or dream are permanent.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:31am


  • The Soul cannot be realized by the weak and timid.

    RIG VEDA: - The famous utterance of Upanishad that Brahman cannot be attained by duality is in RV (5.12.2). The idea that Brahman cannot be attained by mere action or effort is in RV (8.70.3) and (5.48.5); Brahman cannot be approached by thought (RV.1.170.1 or Kena U., 1.3). [RV=RIG VEDA].
    · · · Wednesday at 3:02am
  • The Upanishads declare

    Mundaka Upanishad 1:2:8
    “Remaining in the fold of ignorance and thinking “we are extremely wise and learned,” the fools with boastful nature ramble about like the blind led by the blind alone.”

    Mundaka Upanishad 3:2:3
    “The weak and timid cannot realize the Self. Self-Realization is not possible through intellect or hearing spiritual discourse. One who welcomes God in every activity, through a thorough controlled and disciplined life, to him also the Soul is revealed
    · · · Wednesday at 3:01am
  • The Upanishads declare

    Katha Upanishad 1:2:23 The Soul cannot be realized through hearing scholarly explanation of the discourses, not even by the intellect.

    Katha Upanishad 1:3:6 “Through the knowledge of the Soul, God, one is pure and clean constantly.” Neither by reading the book, nor by taking a bath at holy place has one become pure. Inner purity is possible when one remains in constant touch with the Soul. Constant Soul-Consciousness is the real purity.

    Kena Upanishad 2:4 When it is known through every state of cognition, it is rightly known, for (by such knowledge) one attains life eternal. Through one's own self one gains power and through wisdom one gains immortality.

    Kena Upanishad 2:5
    If here one knows it, then there is truth, and if here one knows it not, there is a great loss. Hence, seeing the Real in all beings, wise men become immortal on departing from this world.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:59am
  • · · · Wednesday at 2:56am
  • There is nothing so absurd which men have not worshipped in religion, every imaginable face has been given to God. If god is creator then it is foolish to worship anything as god from his creation because the creation is apart from the god.
    One has to know ‘What is truth?’ One cannot get rid of it by shutting his eyes to it. It is only by inquiry, analysis and reasoning one becomes aware of ‘what is truth?’ and “what is not truth’.

    Every belief system has its own idea and conviction of god. Thus every belief system is based on the false self. Therefore, whatever is based on the false self has to be falsehood? Thus the idea of god of any belief system has is mere assumption and speculation based on the false self.

    It is foolish say I know god and he is everywhere because he has read it or heard from someone. How does he know God and how does he know that he is everywhere? Appearances and quotations have nothing to do with ultimate truth.

    The difference between knowledge: - that knowledge will be determined by the nature of the object to be known, whereas meditation will be determined by the nature of the meditator.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:55am
  • The god who appears to the yogi in meditation or penance is mere hallucination because whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced as a person within the waking experience is falsehood because waking experience itself is falsehood. From ultimate standpoint there is no value for such claim.

    When one does not know truth, than he can only guess, imagine, hence doubts and questions and discussions arise.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:53am
  • Without knowing what is Self, holding ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self because they have read it or someone has told them or they think it is ultimate truth without verification through deeper inquiry, analysis and sound reasoning is mere assumption or speculation. Such assumptions and speculation blocks one from realizing the nondual truth fuelling the egocentricity.

    No one can honestly say that he knows the ultimate truth unless he is soul centric. Yet yogis and god men glibly say, "I know God." And “I AM GOD”.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:52am
  • When one is not aware of the fact that that, the true self is not waking entity but the formless knower of the three state than how Can he say he know the existence of God which is mere assumption based on the false self within the false experience. Thus whatever one see, knows, believes and experiences as a person of the world within the waking experience is bound to be false hood.

    Without the knowing the fact that self is not the form but the self is formless it is foolish to argue, judge and conclude on the base of the form [waking entity], which is not the self.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:50am
  • Man is like caged animal. He cannot get out of the inherited conditioning very easily. Ignorance makes him experience duality as reality. The religion makes him to accept blind belief as truth pushes him in the prison of slavery to belief based ideas or theories. Scripters and scholars of every belief system differ widely on every point and there is no universality in religion. Thus religion is a useless raft to cross the ocean of ignorance because the religion is based on individuality and it can yield only individual truth. individuality is falsehood from ultimate standpoint.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:49am
  • All the penances are external because they are based on the individuality. Investigating the mind, alone leads to self-realization. To know what is mind, profits much rather than searching the truth in external world moving from one ashram to another and one guru to another and one mountain to another. When one starts investigating the universe that confronts him will mentally move inwards and will reach the ultimate end and become fully aware “What is truth?” and “What is untruth?” in his own home or city and establish in truth by realizing what is untruth.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:49am
  • · · · Wednesday at 2:47am
  • Consciousness is all-pervading, is the desired goal, is self-existent, and is not dependent on anything else, while the entire universe which is different from it is unreal. Consciousness remains as the one self-free from all divisions.

    Consciousness is not one; how can there be a second different from it? It has neither absoluteness nor non-absoluteness. It is neither void nor non-void since it is devoid of duality. It cannot be described that which is the formless essence of the all the three states.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:45am
  • Consciousness, which is the true self, does not have the state of waking, nor of dream, nor of deep sleep. These three states are only the products of ignorance. Consciousness is beyond these three states and it remains as the one self, free from all states.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:44am
  • There is neither teacher nor teaching, neither student nor instruction, neither “Me” nor “you”, nor this universe. The knowledge of real nature of consciousness does not admit of different perceptions. It remains as the one auspicious self, free from all attributes.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:42am
  • Consciousness has no such thing as upper or lower (part), it has no inside or outside, it has no middle or any ‘across’, and it has no eastern or western direction, because it is all-pervading like space or pervades space also. It is one and without parts. It remains as the one self, free from all diversities.

    Consciousness is formless and colorless; it is not tiny, nor big. It is neither short nor long. It is not knowable since it is of the nature of effulgence. It remains as the one self, free from dualities.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:41am
  • Neither the religious view, nor the yogic, nor the scientific view, nor the atheistic nor the intellectual view, etc., are tenable. Because of the realization of the part- less consciousness, ultimate truth is absolutely free from diversity. It always remains as the one self, free from all diversities when one is able to view from ultimate standpoint.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:41am
  • When the wisdom dawns than waking experience cease to be a reality, the dream ceases to be a reality; deep sleep ceases to be reality because there is no division in consciousness, because everything is consciousness. Thus three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is all else is illusion.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:40am
  • In deep sleep there is neither birth, nor life, nor death, nor world, nor gods, nor is there total void, since consciousness alone exists as free from experience of waking or dream.

    The experience of birth, life, death and the world are based on the false self within the false experience. On the base of the false self and the false knowledge, the waking experience is experienced as reality. But when that false knowledge is not there, such notions also do not exist, as in the state of deep sleep.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:39am
  • The division into castes and neither stages of life, nor the rules of conduct and duties of the various castes and stages of life apply to the false self within the false experience. Religion meditation or yoga rituals, scriptural studies and follow the spiritual laws are greatest obstacles in realizing the ultimate truth. Since the notions of ‘I’, ‘I Am’ and ‘Me’, ‘mine’ are of the false self within the false experience. If one is able to drop the identification with the ‘I’ or ‘I am’ then, the consciousness [true self] will remain free from experiencing the illusory duality as reality.
    · · · Wednesday at 2:39am