It is not enough to see a mere nothingness. One has to see consciousness as the universal self, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in Yoga but only when he sees this entire universe as consciousness, which is the true self. Hence seeker must ask the question “What is this universe?” in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.
Sankara says [page 132-133 of his commentary on Brihadaranyakopanishad]:- Yoga is not the means of liberation
Neither Yogic Samadhi or bliss or worldly pleasure should be allowed to draw one away from evenness; for neither can give ultimate truth or Brahman. When the one is distracted by either, either internal or external bliss, it should by effort be drawn back to steadiness, evenness. This state alone yields the ultimate truth or Brahman. Intellectually knowing the truth is only an imagination, whereas realizing the truth knows it as such.
My highest and most intense and complete Spiritual Consciousness Experiences in the sheer vastness of OM involve Incomprehensible Love And Bliss for ALL things, and the oneness of everything in the universe. This is as much as this poor premative, unworthy Soul can handle to the point of Mahasamadhi. Love one another!
The official organization founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda to teach scientific methods of meditation and principles of spiritual living that lead to direct God realization. For more than 85 years, Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has been dedicated to carrying on the spiritual and humanitar...
Katha Upanisad (1.2.5) says;- "Caught in the grip of ignorance, self-proclaimed experts consider themselves learned authorities. They wander about this world befooled, like the blind leading the blind."
Each sect concocts a God to suit its own purposes. Such concocted Gods are mere belief.
Faith in religion weakens as man pays more attention to facts of life and this world. People, who argue that truth is only in their religion, are vain logicians, depending on mere ideas, imaginations.
One must make an effort to know the ultimate truth. Self, which is in the form of consciousness, is there always. One has got it, there is nothing new to be acquired, only have the sharp enough to see and understand and assimilate it, when told about it. But there is a difference between understanding and realization.
Only Mental Effort is required for this understanding and assimilation only, whereas once understood and assimilated than no special effort is needed to remember one’s understanding and assimilation: until then he only has an idea of the ‘Self’, which is consciousness , , he only partially understands it. But once he thoroughly grasps what it is and that all these things are consciousness, he will then constantly find its present everywhere without further effort, because he will perceive consciousness, which is ultimate truth by understanding, even in the midst of worldly existence.
Even the mind, which is in the form of universe disappear in deep sleep. Mind is changing and unreal. It passes away every moment. The consciousness appears as waking or dream [mind] and disappears as deep sleep [no mind].
Yogic experience of bliss is not wisdom, for Bliss is something one have to experience, therefore it will have to go as it came; hence it is only part of the duality. Duality is an object to the formless subject. Yogis seek bliss through ignorance because he has accepted the ‘I’ as self.
Yogis assume that, thoughtlessness will give experience of ultimate reality. How can one keep out a portion of consciousness? It is utterly impossible. It is erroneous to say that such thoughtlessness experience is possible Moreover even if it were possible, what is it that the yogi will keep out? They will only be keeping out reality! The universe is none other than consciousness, as everything is consciousness. The yogi has got the idea of duality and therefore cannot realize truth.
Yoga and religion are egocentric. Egocentricity is individuality. Individuality is cause of duality. Duality is cause ignorance. Ignorance is cue of experiencing illusion as reality. Yoga basis itself on the ego and does not kill it. The Gnani alone can conquer the ego which he does by penetrating to the understanding of its illusory nature.
All ecstasy, exalted feeling is reality within the illusion. And illusion is something known. Whatever is known is and objects. The subject is formless substance and witness of the object. Thus universe is an object. Thus one has to find the formless subject in order to unfold the mystery of the universe.
Yoga practice is that it temporarily suppresses ego. What the yogi does not understand is that while he talks of experiencing bliss in trance, he reveals the presence of an ego which is the experiencer. Thus his experience of the bliss and trace is individual whereas the self is not individual it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. To transcend bliss and to transcend trance, one must have gone into, through and out of Yoga.
Yoga lulls the ego to sleep but it will reappear when the practice is ended, the only way to overcome the ego is to realize ‘What is mind? ‘What is the substance of the mind?’ and ‘What is the source of the mind?’.
Lyrics: My sweet lord Hm, my lord Hm, my lord I really want to see you Really want to be with you Really want to see you lord But it takes so long, my lord M...
FORMLESS PATH: What was it that is aware of the dual and non-dual experiences which appear and
FORMLESS PATH: The breath, the body, the name, all the forms and shapes the universe, “It’s all
The ordinary yogi follows yoga, wants to sit in a place and think "I’ am shutting my eyes, ‘I’ am sitting in a room, ‘I’ am meditating." This egoistic yoga has nothing to do with Gnana. [This has been pointed out even in Mandukya Upanishad - p.229-30]
The yogi is always thinking in terms of me and mine. He always thinks of what he is to get from his practice; whereas in pursuit of truth the seeker first examine and get rid of this ‘I’ by inquiry for he wants truth, not something for the self. The yogi says "I’ want to gain Samadhi”. A Gnani wants to gain nothing for he knows, ‘I’ is mind. And mind is in the form of the whole universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The formless substance and witness of the three states is the consciousness, which is the inner most self. The inner most self is ultimate truth and ultimate truth is Brahman.
Everyone has the inborn conviction or samskara that, he is an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him the born in this world afterwards. Until this conviction is there the ignorance is there. Until ignorance is there one thinks he is living in this world, and he has to eat and move and work in the external environment. No one can get away from it. It is one’s life. But one is unaware of the fact that, the universe in which man experiences his individual life as reality itself is mere illusion. This illusion is experienced as reality due to ignorance. Thus one has to get rid of the ignorance to realize our experience of the birth, life, death and the world are falsehood. Therefore we ought to know, understand and grasp on what standpoint the universe is...See More
People who say the world is unreal are like the fox in the sour grapes in the fable. The people do not know ‘What mind is?’ ‘What the universe is?’ , and are unable to prove that, hence their glib statement is worthless, not proceeding from understanding, or realization of Mind 's true nature, following inquiry into it, but proceeding from some feeling of disappointment.
Without knowing what is mind and what is the substance of the mind and without inquiry into the universe that confronts him and its nature i.e. matter, there can be no such thing as Gnana.
The ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ thought, the ego, belongs to the duality as does the universe thought. The yogi may get the knowledge that the formless witness [subject] is separate from three states [object], but he will never know ultimate truth or Brahman, without inquiring into the universe, because he is giving up the universe, and hence cannot discover his unity with the universe or diversity. The Gnani regards everything in the universe as consciousness, which is ultimate truth or Brahman; the yogi rejects the universe. Thus there is a fundamental difference.
One who knows the universe as illusion by making use of reason becomes aware of ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. One who loses touch with the external world and gives himself over to his thoughts alone takes the illusory world to be reality and remains in ignorance believing the experience of birth, life and death as reality.
Both sides of experience have to be inquired into—waking or dream and deep sleep, mind and matter if one to find truth. Yogi avoids external inquiry, hence cannot find truth. If he thinks he does not see the world by shutting his eyes and omitting it from his thought, he is an ignorant and not a Gnani. If there is nothing to be seen, if mere absence of the universe from cognition gave self-knowledge, then every creature would attain knowledge of truth because it loses the universe n deep sleep.
It is not possible by mental control alone, by yoga, to realize ultimate truth, but at best one falls into a sleep. It is like draining an ocean drop by drop, to try the yogic way. When the yogi shuts his eyes and does not see the universe because he takes that universe as real but only his body is unreal. He does not examine the phenomenal universe and hence cannot realize ultimate truth.
Courtesy :- John Troy
Please share this video, far and wide! Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics ha...
The birth, life and death takes place within the universe. The man is bound by religion and its theories within the universe. Man believes and worships of a personal God within the universe. Man experiences the plain and pleasure within the universe. All scientific inventions take place within the universe. Man is religious or atheist within the universe. Man is ignorant of his true existence within the universe. Man is searching the truth of his true existence within the universe. Man is unaware of the fact that, the phenomenal universe is unreal because he is within the state of ignorance.
The organized religions are based on the belief, because blind belief is foundation of the organized region. The religious theories are lower knowledge meant for those who are incapable of going in to deeper self-search.
The religious truth is individual truth. The individual truth is based on the birth, life, death and the world. Thus individual truth is lower know-ledge based on the false self within the false experience.
The ultimate truth is based on soul, which is the inner most self. Whatever is based on the soul as self is real knowledge or wisdom.
The religious philosophy seems to be true, for those who have not attained the higher knowledge, but from the ultimate standpoint point the universe is mere illusion. Thus all our accumulated knowledge based on religious philosophy is bound to be falsehood.
The worship and worshiper and the deity are part of the ignorance. In the state of ignorance blind beliefs and exercises are popular. They are meaningless and valueless on the ultimate standpoint. The truth is no individualized god. If one believes there is creator than worshiping the creation is ignorance. Thus there is a need to know what truth, in order to know what God really is.
The worshiper of God as personal really does worship God bur worships ignorance. And he who speaks of personal God as creator of the world speaks is unaware of the truth.
The validity of the judgments which one continually pass on events taking place around him is not denied but all these experiences are happening within the universe [waking or dream] is mere illusion. It is true that the phenomenal world is the outcome of ignorance, but it has a certain relative reality but the relative reality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. Thus the relative reality is based on the false self within the false experience because there is no second thing exist other than consciousness thus there is only non-dual reality.
The universe is real for him who has not attained to the knowledge of the self. Just as the entire complex of phenomenal existence in the dream is considered to be true until waking arises. Similarly, the entire complex of phenomenal existence of the waking experience is considered as true so long as the nondual wisdom has not arisen.
Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.
Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.
The moment one knows the mind [universe] is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none. The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world.
The mind is in the form of Universe. Universe appears as waking or dream. Waking as it presents itself is unreal, same way as the dream. Thus waking or dream is simply illusion created out of consciousness. To the man within the universe it is not an illusion because he has the conviction that he is an individual separate form the universe and he is born in this universe and universe existed prior to him. Until this conviction is there he is bound to believe the birth, life, death and universe as reality. Only in deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the universe are within the mind. And he also becomes aware of the fact that mind itself is the whole universe ,which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.
To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.
When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.
Neither the control of breath, or regulating the breath, nor the performance of selfless service, nor by devotion to gods and gurus, not the performance of penance, nor pilgrimaging, nor by yoga nor by scriptural mastery, the ignorance will not vanish. But only through nondual wisdom the ignorance can be eradicated. The three states are state of ignorance. All the three states are falsehood. The formless substance and witness of the three states is real and eternal.
Without the self-knowledge it is impossible to cross the illusory ocean of the pain and pleasure. There no vessel to ferry man across the ocean of illusory form, time and space except Gnana.
What is Gnana? Gnana means the full and firm realization of truth – a realization beyond all doubts, change and contradiction.
When one realizes the self is not ‘I’ or ‘I am’ but the self is the formless substance and witness of the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ , he is freed from the attachment to result and then what ever he does it detached work. Similarly, when he recognizes that consciousness is everywhere and in everything in all the three states than that very recognition leads to a total dissolution of the ignorance and leads to self-awareness.
Man and his individual experience of the birth life and death are reality within the falsehood. Until one has a firm conviction he is an individual separate from the universe and universe existed prior to him, and he is born in it afterwards he will never be able to acquire nondual wisdom. Because of this reason he will not be able think beyond form, time and space. Until this conviction is there all his views, judgments and conclusions are based on the false self within the false experience. Thus there is a need for overcoming this conviction by realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless.
Nothing works unless one knows the true self is not the form but formless consciousness. Once one knows the formless true self as it is, everything naturally falls in place. When one knows the formless true self, then he is free and automatically detached mentally from illusion, because there remains no second thing other than consciousness to get attached.
Self is the “Soul”. The soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Consciousness is essentially the Self Luminous in everything that exists in waking or dream because the consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states.
The consciousness is the cause of everything that exists and it itself is uncaused. The self is the soul. The Soul is in the form of consciousness. Thus consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman, knowing which one is free from experiencing the duality as reality.
True Self verily consciousness, being equanimous, quiescent, and by nature absolute Existence, Knowledge. True Self is neither the body nor the mind which are non-existence in their essence. This is called true Knowledge by the Gnani.
Consciousness is without any change, without any form, free from all blemish and decay. Consciousness not subjected to any disease, and it is beyond all comprehension, free from all alternatives and all-pervading.
Consciousness is without any attribute or activity, true self is eternal, ever free, and imperishable. Consciousness is free from all diversity; true self is immovable, unlimited, undecaying, and immortal.
Consciousness the true self is verily one and without parts, whereas the body consists of many parts; and yet everyone confound these two as one due to ignorance.
Consciousness is the ruler of the three states and is internal; the three states are the ruled and are external.
Consciousness is permanent. All the three states are illusion created out of consciousness. Consciousness is the Illuminator and purity itself; the three states is said to be of the nature of darkness.
Consciousness is eternal, since it is Existence itself; the three states are transient, as they are non-existence in essence.
It is very strange that a person ignorantly rests contented with the idea that self is the body and world as reality, while he knows that the body and universe exist because of the consciousness.
The world is mere illusion/myth. Therefore, the birth, life and death that take place within the world, is also illusion. The belief of god, the religion and its scriptures are reality within the illusion. Therefore, trying to get enlightenment on the base of waking entity which is limited to the waking experience is erroneous, because the waking entity is false self within the false experience. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor dream entity but the formless knower of the coming and going of the three states. Any type physical practice will lead one to hallucinated enlightenment, based on the imagination.
All the three states are produced by ignorance, and dissolves in the wake of non-dual wisdom. The material /cause of this the duality is the One without a second, subtle and unchanging Existence, just as the water is the material /cause of the cloud and the like.
The self is in the form of consciousness. As true self is also the One, the Subtle, the Knower, the Witness, the Ever-Existent, and the Unchanging, so there is no doubt that it is the consciousness.
Self- Knowledge is not brought about by any other means than inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base. Trying to attain self-knowledge through other means is like trying to find fish in the desert sand.
What is ‘I’?
How this universe is created?
Who is its creator?
Of what material is this universe made?
This is the first step of Inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
True Self is neither the body, nor the ‘I’, nor the universe. The true self is within the universe but it is apart from the universe and its contents. This is the way the seeker must proceed in inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
Friday, November 25, 2011
The official organization founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda to teach scientific methods of meditation and principles of spiritual living that lead to direct God realization. For more than 85 years, Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has been dedicated to carrying on the spiritual and humanitar...
Lyrics: My sweet lord Hm, my lord Hm, my lord I really want to see you Really want to be with you Really want to see you lord But it takes so long, my lord M...
FORMLESS PATH: What was it that is aware of the dual and non-dual experiences which appear and
FORMLESS PATH: The breath, the body, the name, all the forms and shapes the universe, “It’s all
Please share this video, far and wide! Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics ha...