Sunday, December 13, 2009

The religionists and intellectuals who expound knowledge believe that the world is first and people were born in it afterwards.

The religionists and intellectuals who expound knowledge believe that the world is first and people were born in it afterwards. So long as this conviction is there, they cannot understand and assimilate the self-knowledge.

Only within the Waking experience, the duality is experienced. Prior to appearance of the Waking experience, there was neither the person nor the world. The experience of duality ceases to exist without the Waking or dream. Only when the Waking  or dream appear the person and the world is present. In deep sleep it has subsided as soul or  consciousness. 

The mind, which appears and disappears as waking/dream is only a mirage. Only in Waking, experience man is aware of himself and the world. Therefore, seeker has to investigate to overcome the doubts and confusion through deeper inquiry and reasoning.

1 How one comes to know that he exists?

2 Because of what?

3 What is it that witnesses the three states, when the physical body and the world are within the Waking experience?

4 If ‘I’ is not the physical body but the whole experience of the Waking experience then what is it that witnesses the three states?

5 What is it, if the witness is not the physical body it is the mind or ’I’ which becomes formless and non-dual in deep sleep?

Prior to appearance of the Waking experience and disappearance of waking experience, it was formless soul/sprit.

It is very much necessary to inquire the nature of the Waking experience/mind in order to unfold the mystery of the mind.

Only when the appearance of the Waking experience one becomes aware that he is the person perceiving the world. His existence is limited only to the Waking experience. He and his experience of the world cease to exist in deep sleep. The question is prior to appearance of the Waking experience duality was non-existent but it was present as soul or consciousness .