Friday, February 26, 2010

If god is within the body then he is responsible for every action which is good or evil

If god is within the body then he is responsible for every action which is good or evil. If god is God is present within in our hearts then His laws are binding on the physical conducts to which he owns the authorship.
Until and unless one is aware of the fact that, true self is the soul/spirit, he is bound to believe in the conceptual idea of god propagated by the organized religion. Until atheists hold in their no god theory and hold the physical existence is real, without verifying the fact about the true existence they will remain in ignorance of the true self, which is formless not the form. The atheistic theories also are also based on the false physical self. Thus, whatever is based on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.
It requires accepting the fact that that the three states cannot exist without soul, which is the true self
Self- realization is not for those who are so deep in denial they are unlikely to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge.