Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The soul which is in the form of spirit is the ultimate truth.

The soul is the stuff from everything is created in the experience of duality, which appears and disappears as waking or dream. The soul is the source from which everything rises and subsides. The soul pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. The soul remains with or without the experience of duality, but experience of duality is dependent of the soul, which is the true self for its existence. The soul which is in the form of spirit is the ultimate truth.

People think of the individual soul. When one limits the soul to the physical entity it becomes ego. Once the ego becomes self then there is separateness. The separateness causes the ignorance of the truth.

When ego becomes the self, one thinks he is an individual separate from the world and he thinks he is apart from the world, he feels the world existed prior to him and he is born in this world later on. Until this conviction is there, he will remain in the grip of duality, and continue to experience the duality as reality.
The man whose judgment of truth is based on the birth entity/ego is not qualified for the higher truth.