Sunday, March 7, 2010

The nature of the self or soul is Consciousnes

The nature of the self or soul is Consciousness. Soul/self   is the source and essence of the three states.
The mind/ ’I’ rises from the spirit and subsides as the spirit.  The spirit is the true self and the source of the mind from where it rises and subsides. Self or the soul, in addition to being material, efficient, formal and final causes of the illusory experiences of the three states. And it is beyond all physical experience.
The true “Self” is also beyond the three states, and thus does not quite fit with the usual connotations of religion propagated conceptual god. The individual gods are mere ideas invented by organized religion. In spirituality the word god has no meaning. Spirituality is pure truth pursuit to realize the fact that, the experience of diversity is mere illusion created out single stuff that is spirit. Thus, there is no second thing exist other then spirit.