Sunday, March 28, 2010

To speak of ultimate truth without knowing what truth is, is meaningless.

People are busy with their worldly life and they find no time or too lazy or incompetent to think. They do not want to be bothered to inquire since they think it is waste of time.

Yogic trance is same as hypnotic trance as there is no duality in the deepest stages of both, because they are both deep sleep, because their experience is based on the physical self. The intermediate stages of dream are paralleled by hypnotic and yogic and mental experiences and visions.  Since all are based on the physical self and physical self is false self therefore whatever experienced on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.

Ignorance cannot go through merely knowing the Self is Ataman, for it is known in sleep and Samadhi. It can go only by knowing, assimilating and realizing ultimate truth.

Yoga does not lead to wisdom.  Yogic Samadhi is mere blankness similar to deep sleep. In Samadhi yogi is unaware of the universe, and hence of ultimate truth.

In yogic Samadhi if yogi sees his body and the world and knew it as Ataman, one could agree that Yoga leads to nondual wisdom, but in Samadhi one is unaware of the body and of the universe, and hence he is unaware of the ultimate truth.

To speak of ultimate truth without knowing what truth is, is meaningless. Yogic Samadhi gives only idea of nature of the soul not wisdom.  Yogi thinks the blankness and thoughtlessness in Samadhi as ultimate truth.  Blankness or thoughtlessness experienced on the base of physical self/ego is not Self-Realization.  

The ultimate truth can be known only by inquiring, analyzing and reasoning on the true base. The yogi sees the world in his Samadhi, but he does not know that the world is Ataman, because he limits the Ataman only to the physical self.  Therefore, as soon as he comes out of his Samadhi, he is again in ignorance, whereas, the Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, his body and the world are Ataman in the midst of duality.

 Gnani understands the nature of the Self. His mind is no longer thirsty. He is the same under all conditions.

First one must give the meaning of Ataman. Ataman has to be grasped mentally.  The evidence of the existence of Atman has to be grasped mentally through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Noting has to be accepted as truth without verification. Until one defines what is truth he cannot say what he means.

Mere blankness and thoughtlessness in yogic Samadhi is not wisdom. One has to know the fact that the physical self is not the self and stop judging the truth on the false self.  to see you are the universal self.

One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in yogic Samadhi but only when he is fully aware of the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of Ataman/Spirit.