Thursday, April 1, 2010

Consciousness is not different from mind/life.

In most of the spiritual group or discussion forums, there are no discussions on the subject matter, but most of the people indulge in making point or getting their point across to be heard and making observations from their own limited viewpoint from their accumulated knowledge based on the false self.

Consciousness is not different from mind/life. The substance and witness of the mind/life is consciousness.  The consciousness is the true self and when one limits the consciousness to the physical entity, it becomes ego and ego is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. Ego is the cause of the ignorance of formless nondual nature of the consciousness.  Prior to experience of duality [mind], there is only consciousness. The ego is part of the experience of duality.  The consciousness can remain with or without the experience of duality but ego ceases to exist without the experience of duality [mind]. The mind is fully dependent on consciousness, whereas the consciousness is independent.   Therefore there is need to understand what is mind and what is substance of the mind in order to assimilate the self-knowledge.