Thursday, April 8, 2010

Deeper penetration through inquiry and reasoning is very much necessary to unfold the truth.

1        How one does comes to know that he exists?
2        Because of what?
3        What is it that experiences or witnesses the Waking state, when the physical body and the world is within the Waking state?
4        If ‘Self’ is not the physical then who witnesses the three states which comes and goes in succession?
5        If the witness is not the physical then what is it that is aware of the experiences of all thee states?
6        What is that I aware of the dual and nondual experiences?
7        Prior to appearance of the experience of duality and disappearance of experience of duality what exists? If nothing exists then what is it that is aware of that nothingness where there is no second thing exists?
8        What is it? 
It is very much necessary to inquire the nature of the mind to unfold the mystery of the existence.
Only when the appearance of the mind one becomes aware that he is the person perceiving the world. Physical existence is limited only to the Waking or dream. Mind ceases to exist in deep sleep. The question is prior to appearance of the mind; duality was non-existent only there was non-dual existence.
Only after appearance of the mind, man and his experience of the world are present in it. Therefore,
1        What is it that becomes mind and subsides as soul/sprit?
2        Why the individuality, personality and separateness are only present when the mind is present?
3        Why there are wants, needs, desire, hope pleasure, pain birth, and death only when the mind is present?
4        Why the sense of duality disappears when there is no mind?
Therefore, through investigation is very much necessary to unfold the truth. In preliminary inquiry, one becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the physical. Therefore, it is erroneous to search the truth on the base of the physical self.  Deeper penetration through inquiry and reasoning is very much necessary to unfold the truth.