On the standpoint of the soul, the three states are non-existent. On the standpoint of the physical self the three states appears to exist as reality.
It is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the standpoint of creator or god without verifying the fact ‘Self’ is not physical but it is the soul. It is impossible to assimilate truth on the physical base.
Because people are having the strong conviction of their experience of the birth, life, death and the world as reality, they are ignorant about the fact that, their experience of the the birth, life, death and the world are within the Waking experience. from ultimate standpoint the waking experience is mere illusion created out of the soul,which is present in the form of consciousness.
All the individual experiences happenings within the waking experience are only illusion because the Waking experience itself is illusion. Therefore, there is need to trace the formless substance and witness of the illusion to grasp and realize the non-dualistic truth.
All the individual experiences happenings within the waking experience are only illusion because the Waking experience itself is illusion. Therefore, there is need to trace the formless substance and witness of the illusion to grasp and realize the non-dualistic truth.
There is no second thing other then soul or consciousness because all the three states are created, witnessed and subsides as Soul or conciousness. Constant reflecting on the witness of the three states leads the Seeking Mind to non-dual self-awareness.
Whatever position, power, pleasure and wealth one may possess within the dream, is only an illusion. Same way whatever pain and suffering and misery one has in waking experience also illusion.
When the waking or dream subsides as deep sleep, then the duality vanishes. Therefore, the formless substance of the waking experience and deep sleep are one in essence. By discovering and realizing that formless substance and witness as innermost self –the duality will not remain as reality.
When the formless substance and witness, is discovered and realized than the sense of duality will vanish. Absent of duality absent of experience. Absent of experience absent of illusion. The illusion is present when the there is experience. When there is experience then there is ignorance. When there is ignorance then there is duality. When there is duality then the birth, life, death and the world becomes reality.
All the individual experiences are possible only within the waking experience. One has to become aware of the fact that, the three states are not witnessed by the waking entity but they are witnessed by the formless soul, which is in the form consciousness. thus the witness is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity.
Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. When this conviction becomes firm then one will be able to rectify his reasoning base from form to formless. When one establishes on the formless base then gradually the sense of reality of experience of duality starts receding.
The person and world co- exist within the waking or dream experience. Absent of mind is present of the soul . Without the soul or consciousness, the mind is non-existent. The mind, which rises and subsides as waking and dream, cannot be real. It is totally illusory. Therefore, the formless source where the mind rises and subsides itself is the self.
When the source is formless then the diversity, which rises and subsides is also created out of formless stuff. Therefore, realizing the fact that the birth, life and death which take place within the mind or universe or waking are mere illusion created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the soul or consciousness . Realizing the fact that, formless soul or consciousness is the true self and all else mere mirage created out of consciousness truth realization.
Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. When this conviction becomes firm then one will be able to rectify his reasoning base from form to formless. When one establishes on the formless base then gradually the sense of reality of experience of duality starts receding.
The person and world co- exist within the waking or dream experience. Absent of mind is present of the soul . Without the soul or consciousness, the mind is non-existent. The mind, which rises and subsides as waking and dream, cannot be real. It is totally illusory. Therefore, the formless source where the mind rises and subsides itself is the self.
When the source is formless then the diversity, which rises and subsides is also created out of formless stuff. Therefore, realizing the fact that the birth, life and death which take place within the mind or universe or waking are mere illusion created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the soul or consciousness . Realizing the fact that, formless soul or consciousness is the true self and all else mere mirage created out of consciousness truth realization.
Religion is not based on the spirit or soul, but it is based on the physical self. Therefore, religion is based on the birth, life, death and the world not the truth. Spirituality is pursuit of truth of the beyond the physical existence. In pursuit of truth the religion and its conceptual gods and scriptures are not necessary because all of them are based on the physical self. All the physical based philosophies and theories, paths and yogic practices or logical and intellectual conclusion will help to unfold the truth.