Friday, April 2, 2010

Prior to the experience of duality [mind], there is only consciousness.

In most of the spiritual group or discussion forums, there are no discussions on the subject matter, but most of the people indulge in making point or getting their point across to be heard and making observations from their own limited viewpoint from their accumulated knowledge based on the false self. There is a need for lots of homework the bookish knowledge borrowed from books will not transport the seeker to his non-dual destination.  Many dwelling in ignorance, thinking themselves wise and erudite, go round and round, by various tortuous paths. Consciousness is not different from mind/life. The substance and witness of the mind/life is consciousness. 
The consciousness is the true self, and when one limits the consciousness to the physical entity, it becomes ego and ego is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. Ego is the cause of the ignorance of formless non-dual nature of the consciousness.  Prior to experience of duality [mind], there is only consciousness. The ego is part of the experience of duality.  The consciousness can remain with or without the experience of duality but ego ceases to exist without the experience of duality [mind]. The mind is fully dependent on consciousness, whereas the consciousness is independent.   Therefore there is need to understand what is mind and what is substance of the mind in order to assimilate the self-knowledge.  

There is a controversy as to the meaning of Maya /illusion in Advitic schools. One Advaitic School says it is a Shakti of Brahman whereby both illusion and creation are brought about. But question is, how do one know what he knows is the ultimate truth? One cannot blindly accept on the sayings of Rishis and saints.  Even granting that they honestly believed in their experiences, there is still the query with what basis they have arrived at that conclusion, and on what standpoint they say it is illusion, because on the physical point of view the world is reality.  Therefore, it is for the seeker to find out by deeper thinking and reasoning to unfold the mystery of the mind/duality on his own, without the pondering into scriptures.
Only deeper reasoning will help one to ascertain the truth of dual and non-dual experiences, which appear and disappear as waking, dream and deep sleep.
The physical body and the world are mere experiences because they are within the waking or dream experience.  If one says it is mystic experience, then one’s experience differs from others and such disagreement does not settle the matter.
The two common sources are: Scriptural authority and Samadhi--but both are untenable in pursuit of truth. The differences of Samadhi or experience are same because they are physical based and physical based Samadhi and experience is part of the illusion.
 How can one prove that Samadhi and experience are wisdom?  The Samadhi is mere blankness/thoughtlessness, and it is not wisdom. Even deep sleep is blankness/thoughtlessness.  Such blankness /thoughtlessness can be achieved through sleeping pills or drugs. The experiences happen on the physical plane. If there is physicality then there is duality. If there is duality then there is no reality.  Therefore there is a need to know how the duality is illusion? On what standpoint it is illusion? What is reality if duality is illusion? For all these questions will crop up and the seeker have to find un-contradictable answers to realize the duality is mere illusion? 

Many people that mystic experience always gives the same result in peace and bliss.  But experiencing the bliss with in the waking experience is falsehood, because waking experience itself is falsehood on the standpoint of the formless substance and witness of the three states. The formless substance and witness is the soul/spirit /true self.