Sunday, April 11, 2010

The three sates are mere mirage witnessed by the Soul/Spirit

When ‘Self’ is not the physical, then whatever one believed of the god and world and religion, heaven and hell and theories and accepted as truth as a person is bound to be falsehood.
 Only if the ‘Self’ is physical then only whatever one believed of the religion god and the world and accepted as reality has meaning and value. Therefore, whatever experienced in waking experience as reality will remain reality until all the three states are not inquired, analyzed and reasoned in to.
 Once the one inquires, analyzes and reasons then the truth starts revealing and he becomes aware of the fact that the waking experience is not the experience of the physical self,  but it is a mere mirage witnessed by the Soul/Spirit. Therefore, the soul/spirit   is ultimate truth, because the whole diversity is created out of the Soul/Sprit.            
The yogi, religionists and Atheists take the physical self as reality. And, they have the conviction that the world is apart from the physical self. They think that they are an individual and separate from the world. Thus, there practice is centered on the physical self/ ego. The physical self and the world exist within the waking experience. All egocentric practice leads towards imagination and speculation hallucination.
Until and unless the conviction of birth, life and death and thoroughly verified through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, one is bound to believe that the world is prior to him and he is born in it and he is an individual separate from the world.  This birth, life and death conviction is firmly rooted in every individual; therefore, there is a necessary to mentally dismantle this conviction to remove the physical barricade to dross the threshold of duality.  The separation is only in duality. In realm of truth the duality is mere illusion.