Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proving a follower of one religion wrong does not make a follower of another religion better

Proving a one religion wrong does not make another better. Proving a follower of one religion wrong does not make a follower of another religion better. All religions have their own flaws. We have to admit it.

One has to find out within for himself by following any religion whether he has become better human being, more peaceful, more tolerant, and more spiritual. If not, by vomiting our venom against others religion shows where we really stand and how far away we are from the Ultimate reality or Brahman.
One has to remember, the Truth or God or whatever one may want to call is independent of religions and independent of what every one of us think about it.  When one has little glimpse of the ultimate reality or truth and he   will  become aware of the fact  that, in the realm of truth the experience of diversity (duality) is mere illusion.

Seeker of truth has to think about it. A Gnani does not belongs to any religion or  sect.  For him the three states are just a passing show. Thus the godly business such as prayer, worship, glorifying is mere illusion within the duality. For a Gnani the ultimate truth is god. The ultimate truth is soul or consciousness or spirit . The spirit  is the true self.
The insight from holy Koran declared: ANAL HAQ-- I am the truth -- spiritual meaning is the self is the ultimate truth. [Self is not ‘I’ but the soul/spirit].
Insights from Bhagvada Gita says: Ahum Bramasmi –I am Brahman- spiritual meaning is: the Self is Brahman (Sri,Sankara says Atman is Brahman) Spiritual meaning is Self is Brahman  – that means Atman or soul is Brahman.
Insight from bible says: My spirit is the Father.  The Father and I are one.  The Father can do anything." – Spiritual –meaning - the spirit the soul – the soul is the self – the soul and mind (I) are one in essence. 
 Seeker of truth has realize the fact that all the spiritual insights of all religion direct to the soul ,the innermost self. The formless soul is in the form of consciousness. Soul or consciousness  which is the formless substance and witness of the  three states,which comes and goes. In reality the formless  substance and witness of the three states are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Thus consciousness(soul) alone is real and all else is mere illusion created out of consciousness. Thus there is no second thing exists other than consciousness . 

Consciousness is the innermost Self. Consciousness is within this universe but it is not of this universe. It is in this universe, but not of this universe means it is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which is in the form of the mind (I). The mind (I) appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. The self who is in the form of consciousness is the formless knower of the mind, which comes and goes.   Consciousness is above; it is transcendental to all the miseries, which are inevitable in this illusory universe.  Therefore, there is a need to realize the fact that, the mind, which is in the form of universe is mere mirage created out consciousness.   Thus, the birth, life, death and world are mere mirage on the stand point of the consciousness, which is the true self. Only on the base of physical self the universe is reality.  Thus the Self is within the universe but it is without the universe.

Only a Gnani alone can actually create the awareness of the truth. He can enliven and illuminate others to get out of this ignorance by being transcendental to the illusory birth, life, death and the universe. Gnani tries to guide the seekers get rid of the inherited ignorance and, rise above the egocentric concepts, be in this universe, but not of this universe, be in tune with the consciousness, which is his  true identity and the ultimate truth.