Monday, May 10, 2010

One should realize the true Self as the only Principle.

The limiting adjuncts from soul or consciousness or spirit down to a grain  are all wholly unreal.  Therefore one should realize the true  Self as the only Principle.

That in which something is imagined to exist through error, is, when rightly discriminated, that thing itself, and not distinct from it.  When the error is gone, the reality about the three states  falsely perceived becomes the spirit  or soul or consciousness.  The three states  are in reality the soul or consciousness or spirit.

The soul is the innermost  self . The innermost  Self is the creator of the mirage . The  innermost Self is sustainer of the mirage. The  innermost Self is the destroyer of the ignorance, The  innermost Self is ultimate truth and the innermost  Self is all this three states.  Nothing exists except the innermost  Self (soul or consciousness).

The Self is within, and the Self is without; the Self is before and the Self is behind; the Self pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

Whatever is  known through speech is nothing but soul or consciousness or spirit; there is nothing besides soul or consciousness or spirit, which exists beyond the utmost range of the mind.  Are the necklace, ring and other ornaments  to be distinct from the metal of which they are composed?  It is the deluded man who talks of “Self” and “mind ”, as an effect of the wine of illusion.

What is the use of dilating on this subject?  The three states are  no other than soul or consciousness or spirit ; this whole diversity  is soul or consciousness or spirit  Itself; the soul or consciousness or spirit is  without a second; and it is an indubitable fact that people of enlightened minds who know their identity with soul/spirit  and have realized the fact that   their connection with the three states is mere mirage, live palpably unified with soul or consciousness or spirit  as eternal Knowledge.

The verdict of all discussions on the ultimate truth  is that the the three states  are nothing but soul or consciousness  or spirit , the innermost self, and that liberation means abiding in soul or consciousness or spirit, the innermost self , the indivisible Entity.  The that soul or consciousness or spirit, the innermost self  is One without a second.

Since people  wants to keep  their body, ego, sense and their experience  intact; that just will not do.  Thus, to realize that ‘mind ’ means the manifest illusion(man and the universe)  and the formless substance and witness of the illusion is real and eternal  is the very fulfillment of non-dual wisdom.”