Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yoga is not the means to self-knowledge,

Pathanjali Yogasutras are meant for the lower web. Yoga is not the means to self-knowledge, because it is practiced on the base of the physical self/false self. Yoga is based on imagination .  One has to imagine that there are seven chakras and practice which leads only to hallucinated Samadhi experience.  And all the yogic recommended yogic  prescriptions are impossible to practice in this materialistic  world.     The deeper inquiry revels the fact that, the “Self” is not physical therefore  it  is no use of  yoga, because  the ultimate  truth lies beyond physicality. Thus, whatever is based on physical self is bound to be falsehood.  Yoga is only good for physical fitness and temporary peace. 

v  The idea of detaching oneself from the world of senses and sense impressions is deeply embedded in Yoga.
v  Patanjali’s yoga Sutras specifically mention the various steps in reaching Enlightenment including Pratyahara. Pratyahara means to withdraw the senses from the outer world.
v  The great yogis say that without detachment, one cannot make clear progress towards the goal of Self-Realization.
v  Practice of yoga, meditation, and detachment from the world is central to many traditional teachings on Moksha, NIrvana, and Liberation.

Radical nondual texts like Ashtavakra Gita also speak about dispassion. For example, after King Janaka asks the Sage Ashthavakra how to attain liberation (Chapter 1, verse 1), Ashthavakra immediately says, “If you are seeking liberation, my son, avoid the objects of the senses like poison and cultivate tolerance, sincerity, compassion, contentment, and truthfulness as the antidote.” (Chapter 1, verse 2).

However, later in Chapter 15 (verse 12), Asthavakra says, “My son, you consist of pure consciousness, and the world is not separate from you. So who is to accept or reject it, and how, and why?”

When we review the Advaitic texts, they seem to alternate between religious based Advitic  teachings and non-religious  teachings. It appears that different verses are meant to appeal to aspirants at different levels of understanding. The highest and the most subtle teaching of the Self typically comes after one rejects the religious based Advitic teaching and  bifurcates all religious add-ons  from them .

Indeed, if we inquire, analyze and reason  deeply into the nature of the mind , it becomes clear that, there is no need for physical based  practice of  detachment, because the self is not physical.  People  have the conviction that  they are individual separate from the world due to ignorance. This is ignorance is the cause for experiencing the birth, life and death as reality. When one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but it is formless spirit, then he also becomes aware that in reality the “Self” is birthless and deathless. 

One has to mentally detach the illusion from the formless witness and become aware of the fact that, to realize that there is neither  witness nor witnessed on the ultimate standpoint.

 The  the whole notion of detachment is religious idea based on the physical self  . whatever is based on religion is mere  assumption that there is something to be detached from.  This has to be understood very clearly.

All religion based non-dualism is also is dualism, because their preaching is based on non-duality and practice is based on duality. If dualism is sought to be rejected as a philosophy or a world view, it only ends up reinforcing dualism. The very attempt to reject implies a holding on, an attachment to something perceived as real and important. This is not the way of Oneness.

Only  through wisdom  the ignorance  vanishes  and reality is realized . the reality  is the formless substance and witness of the three states ,which is illusion. What is required is awareness of that formless substance and witness.

One need to understand the body and the world together is illusion therefore, there is a need to mentally  negate them both together in order to grasp and realize the non-dual truth.  Yoga keeps one in the grip of individuality. Individuality makes one think he is an individual separate from the world. Until the world is not included in his realization, one will remain in the conviction that, the birth, life and death as reality.   Till birth, life and death is accepted as reality one cannot cross the threshold of duality/illusion/mind.
 Therefore, there is a need to know the “mind” and the substance of the “mind” in order to overcome the illusion in which I , you , others and the universe exists.   When one becomes mentally become aware of the formless substance and witness of the illusion, then  he will  be able to assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.