Friday, June 25, 2010
Gnani is the one who has clear understanding, assimilation and realization that, the consciousness is the true self.
Nondual wisdom involves understanding that consciousness is always attribute-less, the abidance in that attribute-less consciousness requires constant reflecting on the nature of the mind.
One has to firmly get established in the knowledge that one has already assimilated. If he has already realized it, then he is a Gnani.
Gnani is the one who has clear understanding, assimilation and realization that, the consciousness is the true self. And consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states by constant inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
Ego functions whether it is Gnani or ignorant but a Ganani understands the demarcation while ignorant thinks he is the doer. One has to ascertain the fact that, the self is not physical but self is formless consciousness.