Friday, September 17, 2010

Within the illusion the ignorance dominates and makes one feel the three states as reality

Consciousness dwells and pervades all the three states thus there is no second thing other than consciousness when seeker realizes the true fact that, the self is not physical but the self is consciousness.

Within the illusion the ignorance dominates and makes one feel the three states as reality.  Thus man thinks that he is born in this world and world existed prior to him and he is born in it later on. Until this conditioning is there he bound to believe in birth, life and death as reality. Only when he becomes aware of the fact that the self is not form self is formless consciousness, he has to accept the fact that the birth, life, death and universe are mere illusion created out of consciousness.

The ‘I’ is not the self. Until one thinks ‘I’ is the self , he is bound to be in the grip of illusion.  Many thinkers of the past and present hold  that, “I” or “I AM” as the self. It is erroneous to hold ‘I’ or “I AM” as the self, because the self cannot be identified with word or words.  The words are indicator to an object.  When the self is the subject and it can never be made an object.  Until we search the truth on the base of object, it is impossible to trace the subject. 
As person with the name one gets caught up in the web of duality becomes unaware of the true self.  Thus one has a strong conviction that he is born in this world and he perceives the world and his experience of the world as real.  But he is unaware of the fact that the he and his experience of the world are within the mind, which appears as waking or dream. The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience.

Only when the seeker has the serious urge to know about the truth of his true existence and when he inquires, analyzes and reasons deeply in to the nature of the mind then he will be able discover and realize the fact that ‘ the self is not form but the self is formless .

If ‘I’ is not “Self”, then what is “Self” without the “I”, when this seed of doubt is planted the inquiry will go on and on till it reaches its goal, which is the truth of its true existence which is ‘I’-less or formless.

Many who or contemplative have been haunted by certain profound questions in human life:

·         What is this life?

·         Who is the author of this life?
·         What is the purpose behind this experience of the World?

·         From where this experience of the world perceived only through the perceiver has appeared?

It should be borne in mind however these question pertaining to the realm of spirituality where the authenticity of the answers cannot be established under laboratory conditions unlike in the case of modern science. That is why all these questions have been begging for answers down the ages.

The fundamental question “Who am “I””, is the starting point of spiritual quest.  When in finding answer to who am ‘I’ the seeker will discover and realize the fact that ‘I’ is not self but ‘I’ is the mind  which is in the form of the whole  waking or dream experience . Thus ‘I’ is mere an experience, not experiencer. Thus ‘I’ as “Self” is false identity. Searching truth as ‘I’ as experiencer or ‘Self is erroneous. ‘I’ is false identity and also ‘I’ is false experience. This ‘I’ means illusion.