Wednesday, December 15, 2010

H.H Dali Lama said: - A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning.

H.H Dali Lama said: - A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning.

My comment-
I respect the views and wisdom of  H.H Dali Lama. i bow to the divinity within him.

K.S.K:- Positive or negative conditioning are based on the ego. By replacing conditioning from one conditioning to other will not yield the non-dual truth or Buddha’s nature or Brahman.

The one, which has to be free from conditioning, is not the form but the formless. Therefore struggling to get rid of these conditioning as a form is of no use. Therefore, there is a need to realize the fact that,  the self is not the form but self is formless and learn to observe and  judge worldview on the standpoint  of the formless self , which makes one realize the self is apart from the body and the world.  And the body and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus all the physical practice based on the body self or ego will not yield to realize the Buddha hood or Brahman.  

Thus the observer is formless and observed is form (body+ universe). The observer and the observed are one in essence, which is consciousness. Therefore, there is need to trace and recognize, the unconditioned (soul, the innermost self)  to overcome all the conditioning.