Saturday, December 11, 2010

In pursuit of truth one has to go beyond the Advaita

A Gnani is free from all hopes and desires, but outwardly he does what needs to be done. Gnani lives without as if he were full of hopes. He lives contended cool and warm, just like everyone else. Inwardly give up the idea "I am the doer," yet outwardly engage in all activities. He lives in the world; completely conscious of what is truth and what is untruth and what is real and what is unreal in the midst of experience of duality.

These discussions of the ultimate truth on the base of the intellectuality/physicality really don't achieve much in the end. Maybe little shifts in understanding from time to time, but noting really changes until the base of discussion is rectified from form to formless.

The value of discussion based on the true self will help the seekers of truth to dismantle mentally the dualistic and fixed concepts and that is a true benefit like clearing all the accumulated dross.

The sense of self dissolves when one becomes aware of the true self is not physical but the spirit.  And the shifts to be cantered from form to formless and rest in non-dual Awareness.

In over many years of practice and study, people struggle to find stability in non-dual Awareness because their understanding assimilation is based on intellectuality/physicality.

One need to realize the fact that, the intellectuality is physical based whereas the ultimate truth is based on the spirit.  Thus understanding and assimilation has to be based on the spirit, which is the true self. The understanding and grasping the truth on the base of the soul as self will lead to profound insight to all seekers of truth.

In traditional Advaita, the main thing is the mind's deep understanding of truths concerning what one is. Therefore, listening to talks by advanced teachers, analyzing what they say, and dwelling on it are the ways awakening occurs in that system but in pursuit of truth one has to go beyond the Advaita concerning to whole physical existence which contains man and world together and unfolding its mystery.

It is impossible to make the, to make the mind more subtle with any other means other then the deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning to be able to assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.