Waking experience remains as reality until one accepts the birth, life and death as reality. The birth, life and death are reality within the waking experience. The waking disappears when the deep sleep appears and the dream remains as reality until waking takes place. The one which is aware of all the three states in succession is not the waking entity but it is the soul, which is in the form of the consciousness. The waking becomes unreal when one becomes aware of the fact that , the self is not physical but the self is the formless soul or consciousness.
The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking. The substance and witness of the waking and dream is formless consciousness.
Non-dual Truth can be known, realized directly by anyone without the help scriptures, theories and teachings. There is no need to believe or accept blindly; seeker can find out for himself by inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.
Self –Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana means knowledge of the innermost self which is formless and eternal .
There is no need to believe in Karma theory because it is based on the physical self or waking entity or ego and physical self or waking entity or ego is false self within the false experience(waking) . Seeker of truth should not believe in anything without concrete proof.
There is no need discuss, debate or do any research on whatever is based on the physical self or waking entity or ego because the physical self or waking entity or ego is the false self within the false experience(waking).
The peace and happiness depends on the environment and circumstances within the experience of duality. If everything goes well, you will be happy. If things do not happen the way one wants it or if undesirable events happen in life then there is suffering.
The peace and happiness depends on the environment and circumstances within the experience of duality. If everything goes well, you will be happy. If things do not happen the way one wants it or if undesirable events happen in life then there is suffering.