Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our true identity is birth- less and deathless.

Universe, which is in the form of the mind,   is the same as the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus, mind and soul are one in essence. The essence is consciousness.  Consciousness is the ultimate reality.

When one becomes aware of the fact that, the mind and soul are one in essence, then he becomes aware of: - what is oneness of mind and soul.

 It is the individual ego which is the doer, the enjoyer, the sufferer within world.  The world is falsehood, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. Individuality and individual experiences are experienced as reality within the waking experience is falsehood. Thus it is necessary to discover and realize how the universe, which appears as waking, is falsehood.   

 The consciousness or true self in its ignorance of its formless non-dual true nature, enjoys, suffers and acts within the world of duality. And it becomes free from duality when it becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature by realizing all forms and names experiences are mere mirage created out of itself. There is no duality in its true nature.  Thus it is necessary to realize the self is not the form but self is formless, in order to realize the form based experiences are falsehood.

Universe is universe. Mind is mind. Mirage is mirage.

 Reality is reality. Consciousness is consciousness. Existence is existence.  Universe which is in the form of mind is mere mirage. One has to discover how the mirage came in to existence?  Without the form, time and space there is no mirage, means there is no mind. If there is no mind  then there is no universe. If there is no universe then there is no birth,life and death.

  If there is no birth,life and death then there is only  formless existence,which is ultimate reality.  Therefore, there is need to realize the fact that the self is not the form but self is formless in order to realize our true identity is birth- less and deathless. 

 When the form is not the self, then the time and space are non-existent. Without the form, time and space there is no mirage. The one which witnesses the form, time and space is formless, timeless and spaceless existence.  Thus form, time and space are created out of single stuff, which is formless consciousness.