Monday, April 4, 2011

The theory of fate (Prarabdha) is for the ignorant one because those who accept the waking entity as self and waking world as reality will remain in believing in the theory of birth, death and rebirth.

The theory of fate (Prarabdha) is for the ignorant one because those who accept the waking entity as self and waking world as reality will remain in believing in the theory of birth, death and rebirth.    The waking entity and the waking world are reality within the waking experience. The waking experience itself is illusion from ultimate standpoint. 

The body being in this universe , does not also exist  because the world is mere  illusion from ultimate standpoint., and due to this, Prarabdha also does not exist, Though the Vedas speak of Prarabdha, For the understanding of the ignorant.

The Mundaka Upanishad tells that:-

Ksheeyanthethasyakarmanithasmindrushte cha paravare,Bahuthwam than nishedarthasruthyageetham cha yathsphutam. 98

The body being in this world does not also exist and due to this, Prarabdha also does not exist, though the Vedas speak of Prarabdha, for the understanding of the ignorant.

All actions of man including Prarabdha,perishes when one is able to see,Brahman which is in the higher and also lower,Thus tell the Vedas with clarity,*Cause and effect . If fate does not get destroyed, ignorance gets never destroyed and spiritual realization never comes.

One has to destroy the ignorance together with its effect, the mind (phenomenal universe). One has to discrimination of ultimate Truth (consciousness) from untruth (mind or universe).  For the easy understanding of those who have intense urge to know and realize the truth.

The objects of knowledge, viz., sound, touch, etc., which are perceived in the waking experience , are different from each other because of their peculiarities; but the consciousness of these, which is different from them, does not differ because of its homogeneity. Similar is the case in the dream. Here the perceived objects are transient and in the waking experience they seem permanent. So there is difference between them. But the (perceiving) consciousness in both the states does not differ. It is homogeneous.

 In waking experience the waking entity awaking from deep sleep, consciously remembers its lack of perception during that experience. Remembrance consists of objects experienced earlier. It is therefore clear that even in deep sleep ‘want of knowledge’ is perceived.

This consciousness (in the deep sleep experience) is indeed distinct from the object (here, ignorance), but not from itself, as is the consciousness in the dream experience. Thus in all the three states the consciousness (being homogeneous) is the same. It is so in other days too.

  Through the many months, years, ages and world cycles, past and future, consciousness is the same; it neither rises nor sets; it is self-revealing. This consciousness, which is the true Self, is formless and eternal in its nature.  It is established by reasoning that the self is not physical but the self is consciousness, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

If the non-dual peace, which is the nature of the true Self, is not known, there cannot be the highest love for it. It is ever present. If it is known consciously, there cannot be attraction for worldly objects because the whole universe with its contents becomes mere mirage.

Non duality ‘is known yet unknown. Non-duality is unconsciously known as deep sleep in ignorance and it is consciously is known through wisdom as consciousness.