Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Those who object that the means and ends of waking are different from those of dreams, and therefore they are not on the same level, ignore that they have time, space and causal relation in both experiences.

Those who object that the means and ends of waking are different from those of dreams, and therefore they are not on the same level, ignore that they  have time, space and causal relation in both experiences. These three things make the waking experience real to everyone: and are its chief characteristics; similarly they give the same sense of reality to dream. They say waking is real and dream is illusory, but for the one who has learnt to view the worldview on the base of sou[consciousness] as self, both are illusory. 

Where is the need of a creator when one’s own dream experience offers proof that, the true self bring into being a whole waking experience, which contains  world and persons, and if it  can create a dream world, why not also a waking world? Only seeker should not forget that 'Self ' does not refer to the ego which is itself a produced thing but he must know the true self is the formless soul,which is in the form of consciousness.

The Advanced stage of pursuit of truth, resulting from the constant practice of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base and " self -awareness ” is that the attitude thus developed during waking will repeat itself during dream. One has to mentally  separate the self from the three states, know the three states  to be the consciousness, because the formless  substance and witness of the three states   is the consciousness.

The three states do not exist; that is not its point; what is felt as real in each states is one and the same thing that is the soul the true Self.