Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A man may speak the truth that he saw god in his vision. But whether what he saw in vision is really God because vision itself is as real as dream.

It is not the worship of a person that is crucial, but the steadiness and depth of his devotion urge to know the truth. True Self itself is the Supreme Guru; seeker of truth has to be attentive to grasp the truth. The outer Guru is part of the illusion; when one is able to grasp the truth directly, he will realize the fact that, the Guru is within and the guidance will come as one starts inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.  There is no need to blindly believe and follow anyone. Every claim has to be verified then only accept if it is found to be truth without any contradiction. If anything can be contradicted then it is not the truth. The ultimate truth is un-contradictable.  

People who believe in idea of God are not aware of the fact that, the belief system is hindrance in pursuit of truth. They are unaware of the fact that their god is mere belief installed and groomed by their parents. God exits for those who  believes in their inherited  belief.   How do they know there is God? They believe in existence of God without verifying their belief. Deeper inquiry reveals the fact that, the ‘I’ is not the true self but the soul/spirit is the true self.  Therefore, whatever one knows, seen, believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ as self is bound to be falsehood.  Thus, their belief of god is based on the ‘I’, which is the false self, within the false experience. In assuming God’s existence they merely guess and imagine without facts.  
One must make an effort to know the ultimate truth. The truth exists eternally.  There is nothing new to be acquired, only one has to have the sharp brain to grasp, understand, assimilate and realize it.

There is a difference between understanding and realization. Effort is required for this understanding only, whereas once understood no special effort is needed to remember his understanding: until then he only has an idea of the true “Self”, he only partially understand it. But once he thoroughly grasps what it is and that all these three states are mirage created out of the true  “Self”  , he will then constantly find its present everywhere without further effort, because he will perceive ultimate truth  by understanding, even in the midst of worldly existence.

When there is only one thing the Self /Spirit  knower, there is nothing to change, nothing to appear or disappear; when one speaks of remembering or forgetting “Self” that implies he  believes in the existence of something else, i.e. a second thing, which is to be remembered. That would show he has not known that all is one. But knowing it, there is no second, consequently no intermittent perception of Self/Soul, but a permanent effortless understanding that it alone is.

When one gets a glimpse of truth try to reflect on it a number of times in order to establish it. "The self must raise itself by the Self." One cannot know the truth until one knows stuff which created the waking/dream. The goal of pursuit of truth is to realize the nature of the true self. 

A man may speak the truth that he saw god in his vision.  But whether what he saw in
vision is really God because vision itself is as real as dream. 

Even if one agrees the fact that he saw a vision but the one that witnesses the vision is not physical.  The one which witnesses the waking and dream or vision is not physical. Therefore, there is a need to know the formless witness, which witnessed the waking, or dream or vision to unfold the mystery and realize the fact that, the waking experience itself is the mirage. Therefore, whatever one knows of the dream or vision in the waking experience is bound to be falsehood, and the witness of the waking experience is real and eternal.