Friday, October 7, 2011

In the waking or dream, the objects of experience like sound, touch etc are varied and different from each other

In the waking or dream, the objects of experience like sound, touch etc are varied and different from each other. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the waking or dream is apart from them and is consciousness.  Thus the experience of diversity is created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. Thus everything in diversity is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus the form and names within the duality has no value therefore, everything is one without the division of forms and names.  

Man experiences the world within the waking or dream. The world is reality for man within the world. The man and world are unreality for the formless witness of the three states, which is also the formless substance of the three states. Thus the individual experiences such as birth, life, death and the world or pain and pleasure are mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint.  Thus basing on the waking entity and judging the truth is erroneous because the self is neither the waking entity not the dream entity bit the self is the formless witness of all the three states. 

Thus 'I' and 'I Am' which is limited to the waking experience or dream is not the self, because the consciousness which is the true self, pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness.   Thus, all the sense organs belong to the physical entity. And physical entity is reality within the waking experience, but the waking experience itself is unreal from the ultimate standpoint.  

The difference within waking or dream does not affect their formless witness in any way. Within the waking or dream the objects may be different from each other. But there is a single witness of them all because the witness witnesses the waking or dream as a whole.

When one says 'I hear', 'I touch', 'I see', etc. the hearing, touching and seeing are experiences within the waking or dream but all these are experiences experienced by the false self within the false experience, because within the waking or dream the physical apparatus is considered as self, whereas the true self has no physical apparatus.   Thus all the experiences are falsehood.
 The three states are an object to the subject, which is consciousness.  The objects are also different. But the 'consciousness ' that knows them all one and the same in and through all the experiences. Only within the waking or dream one is able to know distinctions like form, time and space and pain and pleasure, etc. But the knower is undivided and undifferentiated in and through all the experiences of the three states.

Formless knower [witness] is not differentiated from the known. It is because the knower and the known are one and the same. Since the experiences are varied when do we know the formless knower, to be undifferentiated?

 When self is mentally separated from the three states after realizing the subject object relation.   The Consciousness is hidden within the three states as their form less substance. Consciousness is apart from the three states as their formless witness.  It is apart because it is neither the waking entity not it is the dream entity but the formless witness of all the three states.

When the three states, which are mere object to the formless subject is dropped mentally, then the Consciousness alone prevails in its formless nondual true nature.  
 It is just like one and the same water becoming snow, and cloud. The substance is one and the same. If it is not cloud or snow it remains as water. In the same way, without the three states consciousness alone prevails because all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness.

 The three states come and go in succession but the knowing principle, the Awareness, remains one and the same in all the three states. The formless, witness, who is in the form of consciousness, remains same through all the experiences.

The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. The formless knower that knows the coming and going of the three states is one.  Thus on the base of the formless knower the three states are mere mirage. When the mirage is mentally dropped after realization of their unreal nature, the duality will never be experienced as reality again.

 The unreal nature of the experience of form, space, time & objects within the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. The reality of the unreal nature of   form time and space of the waking experience is exposed when the waking entity becomes aware of the fact that, it itself  is not the self, but the true self is that which sees all the three states as passing show.  

The form, time and space are reality within the waking or dream. But from the standpoint from the formless sources from where they arise and subside they are non-existent.  The formless source is consciousness. The consciousness is the true self. Waking or dream or mere mirage created out of the consciousness.  The nature of the Consciousness is oneness.  Thus the waking or dream not differs from each other because they are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus they are both are one in essence.

 The witness, the Consciousness, in the waking is not different from the one in the dream. The waking objects are varied but their witness is one and the same. The dream objects are varied but their witness is one and the same. In other words the witness of the waking and the dream is one and the same.

In deep sleep state there is a continuity of the Consciousness. In the deep sleep state the witness is in its formless nondual true nature that is, it is in self-awareness.  In waking or dream it is ignorant of its true nature.  Thus there is emptiness in the deep sleep. This cognition is recollected by when it is again enters in to state of ignorance and wakes up as waking or. Dream entity .thus it is erroneous to view and judge the worldview on the waking entity because the witness is present in all the three states.

 To overcome all the doubts and confusion one has to mentally trace the existence of the formless witness, which sees all the three states, which comes and goes in succession. Without that witness the three states are non-existent because it is also the formless substance of the three states.   When the waking entity becomes aware of the fact that, it is not the self  but the self is the witness of the three states in the midst of waking experience, then  the form, time and space within the waking experience ceases to be real.  Thus the waking entity realizes the fact that form, time and space are mere division created out of consciousness. Thus the form, time and space are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Thus there is no division is consciousness the divisions are mere mirage without the division there is only oneness.     

The confusion arises when one says, 'During deep sleep there was neither waking nor dream. The whole waking or dream experiences were absent. But the formless witness was present. The witness was present without the waking or dream. In waking it was witnessing the waking as whole and in dream it was witnessing the dream as whole. The individual happenings within the waking or dream are nothing to do with the formless witness. Thus judging the truth on the base of individual happening within the waking or dream is erroneous, because the witness is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the one that witnesses the waking or dream as a whole without the physical apparatus.

Man experiences the world within the waking or dream. The dream is an experience. Similarly the waking also is an experience.  The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. The waking and dream becomes unreal in deep sleep. The one which is aware of the three states is hidden within the three states but it is without the three states. It is hidden within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness.  Thus mentally tracing the formless substance and witness of the three states is necessary, in order to realize the substance and witness are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.

 Thus it is very necessary to investigate “what is it that, becomes waking or dream?” and “what is it that becomes deep sleep?” rather than  finding answers for the meaning of life or inquiring “Who am I?”, What am I?’, “Whence am I?” which are helpful in preliminary stages on pursuit of truth.  The pursuit of truth is to know the truth of the whole not the part.  Birth, life and death takes place with is the world. The world is reality within he waking experience but the waking experience itself is mere mirage.  By knowing with what this mirage, which is in the form of mind or universe came to existence one becomes aware of the ultimate truth.