Saturday, October 8, 2011

The true self exists as formless substance and witness of the three states.

WE can only sympathies with a person who has severe stomach pain, but we cannot experience that person's pain. This can be applied to all experiences of personal nature, such as dream, vision and astral. As one cannot deny the fact of another person's stomach pain [since he personally do not experience it], similarly one cannot deny validity of any person's personal experience.  

All the experiences such as dream/vision/ astral experiences are true, and no one can deny the fact. However, one has to realize the fact that the waking is also is similar to a vision or dream or astral experience.   The point is waking or  dream or  vision or  astral are witnessed by one and only formless witness.   In absence of waking entity the dream or vision or astral are witnessed. The one which is aware of all experiences,   which appeared and disappeared is not the form but formless.

  Thus, it is necessary to know the formless witness, which is apart from the waking or dream or  vision and astral world.  This is hard to digest in the beginning, but through deeper thinking through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, one will be able to assimilate it. Once one becomes aware of the existence of  formless witness, he realizes the fact that, waking or dream or  vision or astral world , all are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  on the standpoint of formless witness the  waking or dream or  vision or astral world are myth .

The true  self exists as formless substance and witness of the three states.

As the witness of the waking experience.
As the witness of the dream.
As the witness of deep sleep.

In deep sleep when there is no determinate knowledge, but pure consciousness and pure bliss. One which witnesses these three states is one, and it is never attached to these experiences and it is apart and it is eternal.

Thus the waking entity and dream entity is not the true self. Therefore, judging the truth on the base of false entity will lead only to imagination and hallucination. Thus, seeker has to learn to view and judge the truth on the base of the formless witness of the three states,  to overcome the duality which he experiences as reality.