The Soul or consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. Without the formless substance and witness, the three
states cease to exist. Without being aware of the existence of the formless witness, there is no
chance of getting self-realization. The
three states are dependent on the formless witness, whereas the formless witness
exists with or without the three states.
Therefore, the three states are not the experience of the waking entity
but of the soul, which is the formless witness of all the three states.
Viewing and judging the three states
as an individual experience is erroneous. Man and his world co-exist within the
waking or dream. Without the world, man cannot exist. Man and world appear
together and disappear together in waking or dream. Therefore concluding the truth on the base of
the waking entity will lead to speculative hallucination. Therefore, there is a need for deeper
understanding to assimilate the self-knowledge.
Just as the dream was witnessed
without the physical body, so also the same formless witness witnesses the
waking. The man and his experience of the world are within the waking or dream.
Therefore, the waking or dream entities cannot be the witness of the waking or
dream. The dream is parallel waking experience and
waking experience is parallel dream.
The seeking mind has to mentally
reflect on the formless witness constantly, until it gets the firm conviction
that, the formless witness is the soul. The soul is the true self, and the mind/’I’
rises as waking or dream and subsides and becomes on with it. When the mind becomes one with the soul, then
there is no duality. When there is no duality then it is non-dual reality the
true nature of the soul/self.
Until and unless the seeking mind
realizes the fact that the formless witness of the three states is not the
physical body but the soul, it remains in ignorance and experiences the duality
as reality. Only when it is able to grasp the fact that the true self is the soul,
then it will be able to realize the three states are unreal. Therefore, the soul alone prevails as eternal
identity, when the seeking mind realizes the experience of diversity is mere
mirage or illusion.