Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The universe is real for him who has not attained to the knowledge of the self.

The universe is real for him who has not attained to the knowledge of the self. Just as the entire complex of phenomenal existence in the dream is considered to be true until waking arises.  Similarly, the entire complex of phenomenal existence of the waking experience is considered as true so long as the nondual wisdom has not arisen.

 The worship and worshiper and the deity are part of the ignorance. In the state of ignorance blind beliefs and exercises are popular. They are meaningless and valueless on the ultimate standpoint. The truth is no individualized god. If one believes there is creator than worshiping the creation is ignorance. Thus there is a need to know what truth, in order to know what God really is. 

The worshiper of God as personal really does worship God bur worships ignorance. And he who speaks of personal God as creator of the world speaks is unaware of the truth. 

The organized religions are based on the belief, because blind belief is foundation of the organized region.  The religious theories are lower knowledge meant for those   who are incapable of going in to deeper self-search.

The religious truth is individual truth. The individual truth is based on the birth, life, death and the world.  Thus individual truth is lower know-ledge based on the false self within the false experience.

The ultimate truth is based on soul, which is the inner most self. Whatever is based on the soul as self is real knowledge or wisdom. 

The religious philosophy seems to be true, for those who have not attained the higher knowledge, but from the ultimate standpoint point the universe is mere illusion. Thus all our accumulated knowledge based on religious philosophy is bound to be falsehood. 

The birth, life and death takes place within the universe. The man is bound by religion and its theories within the universe.  Man believes and worships of a personal God within the universe. Man experiences the plain and pleasure within the universe.  All scientific inventions take place within the universe.  Man is religious or atheist within the universe. Man is ignorant of his true existence within the universe. Man is searching the truth of his true existence within the universe. Man is unaware of the fact that,  the phenomenal universe is unreal because he is within the state of ignorance. 

 The idea of the creator and creation is a myth. All [universe] is consciousness, and consciousness is all [universe].  The consciousness is ultimate truth. 

Self is ‘I’- less. Self is bodiless. Whatever is connected to ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is ignorance. When ignorance ends it is Gnana. When Gnana arise than the body, ego and the universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness.    Until one gets the firm conviction that the self is not physical but self is formless consciousness and learns to view and judge and conclude on the base of formless self, Gnana will not arise.  Gnana is the result of contemplation; it in annihilates ignorance. Ignorance is the cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.