Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adyatmic discussion (Self is not the brain) -208

Ashwani Kumar Dhir Yes, eyes are only to forward the information but brain is required to preceive consciousness based on the information. A.K.Dhir.
Santthosh Kumaar Self is not brain (body). Soul is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is the innermost self. The body and the world are one in essence and that essence is consciousness. When self is not the body than what is the use of thinking of the brain ,which is within the body.


Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness
by :Alva Noƫ. Hill and Wang, 2009

Alva No, a University of California, Berkeley, philosopher and cognitive scientist, argues that after decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers "only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious ... has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue." The reason we have been unable to explain the neural basis of consciousness, he says, is that it does not take place in the brain. Consciousness is not something that happens inside us but something we achieve it is more like dancing than it is like the digestive process. To understand consciousness the fact that we think and feel and that a world shows up for us we need to look at a larger system of which the brain is only one element. Consciousness requires the joint operation of brain, body and world. "You are not your brain. The brain, rather, is part of what you are."

If the brain is not the self then what is self.

The soul or consciousness, the innermost self is the witness-consciousness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theater, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.a few seconds ago ·

  • Ashwani Kumar Dhir Take the example of a child just born. That has self in it but not the consciousness & awareness in it. Although that has brain in it. A.K.Dhir.

  • Santthosh Kumaar
    When the self is birthless than the question of birth,life death and the world does not arise. The one which is born,lives ,dies within the world is not the self because the self is ever formless. The self is that ,which witnesses the experience of birth,life,death and the world (waking)without the physical apparatus. Thus it is necessary to realize the self is nothing to do with the experience of birth,life,death and the world, because it is ever formless.

  • Ashwani Kumar Dhir Yes, self is birthless but not the creatures. If creatures are not there then self also has no value. As self attains a shape for reformation cycle. A.K.Dhir.

  • Ashwani Kumar Dhir Just as the numerals from 1 to 9 if these are not present then what is value of zero? A.K.Dhir.

  • Santthosh Kumaar
    Where is the creature when the matter and the spirit(consciousness) are one in essence. only on the standpoint of the ego(false self ) there is duality but on the standpoint of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self , there is no second thing exists other than consciousness. For a Gnani the body is not a body ,ego is not ego the world is not world because he is fully aware of the fact that they are mere mirage created out of consciousness. when body and the world are one in essence than what value of body and the world. Only the essence will prevail as ultimate reality or Brahman.

Ashwani Kumar Dhir Yes, zero will prevail without other numericals. In the same way Essence will be there without existence of wordly objects. But objects are for sure but not as a mirage. A.K.Dhir.
7 minutes ago ·
World is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.
Peoples approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion.

The person, who stamped their foot on the ground to refute to show the world, is real, ignore that in dream he would do exactly the same--stamp his dream foot on the ground and assert it to be real.
2 minutes ago ·