Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adyatmic Discussion - 309

No one has been liberated with the egocentric spiritual paths and practices. Even anyone claims that they are self- realized that is only hallucinated realization. It is because no Gnani who is truly compassionate holds ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ self, and who thinks self is limited to individual. Thus the all the practices which hold the individual experiences such as bliss and Samadhi as self-realization are mere hallucinating through their imagination. Until one finds satisfaction with the meaning of ornamental words they will be in the prison of emotion. The emotions and sentimentalism is the greatest obstacle in realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless, because, the emotion and sentimentalism belongs to the realm of form. To overcome the emotion and sentimentalism one has to realize the fact that, the self is not form. --FORMLESS PATH

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    • Chris Waller
      Enlightenment is for the mind. Freedom is for the mind. The big wow experiences in mind come and go but they are not enlightenment. They are not permanent. As Dayananda is reported to have said, "There is no such thing as enlightenment. There is only a gradual increasing clarity." The formless awareness/consciousness/love is always enlightenment and freedom itself. The gradual clarity is a growing confidence you are that awareness. It is more a shift of perspective than an experience.

      11 hours ago · · 1

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Dearest Chris Waller, Mind is product of ignorance. On the standpoint of the soul, the innermost self, there is no such thing as enlightenment.
      There is no enlightenment because there is no ignorance in Self-Awareness. When there is no ignorance than there is no mind. If there is no mind, than there is no universe. If there is no universe, than there is no waking. If there is no waking then there is no duality. If there is no duality then it is nondual reality (oneness).
      On the standpoint of the formless soul,which is present in the form of consciousness:-
      "There is nothing to accept,
      Nothing to reject,
      Nothing to hold on to,
      Nothing to let go of,
      Nothing to grasp,
      Nothing to spurn,
      Nothing to embrace,
      Nothing to relinquish,
      Nothing to dissolve.

      This is the truth.

      Only through wisdom self-awareness is possible. Only in the realm of duality we talk about enlightenment, self-realization, wisdom, self-awareness. In self-awareness, there is only oneness. Thus only on the standpoint of soul there is no enlighten meant because there is no duality only nondual self-awareness.

      2 hours ago · · 1