Monday, August 13, 2012

The essence of non-dualistic wisdom is that there is but one SELF

The essence of non-dualistic wisdom is that there is but one SELF. The formless  soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is the innermost self. Consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  On the standpoint of the formless soul , the three states are non-existent as reality. 

Birth, life and death and the world are reality within the waking experience, but the waking experience is falsehood.

Whatever appears as a form is false. Whatever has a name is false.  Whatever appears and disappears is falsehood. The people who live in the appeared universe are bound to be false because the universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. All the three states are falsehood.  Whatever is permanent is reality whatever impermanent falsehood is.  Thus the three states which appear and disappear are falsehood.

All the contents of the universe are false.  Thus whatever is born, lives and dies within the universe is falsehood. The individual experiences are reality within the falsehood.

The gold, silver, diamonds have their value within the falsehood.  All the attachments burden and bondage experienced as a reality within the falsehood.  Religion and its idea of god are based on the false entity within the falsehood.  The love and hate is reality within the falsehood.  The universe and all its contents are illusory reality.

Form, time, space and causality are part of the appearance. And all appearances are illusions.  But behind all appearance is the one Reality.

 Knowledge of the true self is the denial of the illusory appearances. The seeker has to free his-self from this miserable dream that he is the person perceiving the world; he must know the truth, "self is the soul. The soul is present in the form of consciousness. ". 

Wisdom can only remove one’s own ignorance; it does not bring a new thing, for realizing the truth here and now. 

Self-realization is the highest and is the only tool to freedom. Non duality is the truest wisdom. In non-dual wisdom there is no second. One has to realize the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless.  Thus the reasoning has to be based on the formless not on the form.  The form based reasoning is useful only in worldly life but not in pursuit of truth.

The test of truth is to be able to realize the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Constant reflection is necessary during the early stages of this path.  One has to learn to view and judge the three states on the base of the formless (soul) as self, and drop the old habit of viewing and judging it on the base of the form (waking entity)which is the false self.  

The soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe, which is in the form of mind. The mind appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. Consciousness is in the rock which is crumbling, in the grass which is growing and then decaying, in the yogi who is meditating, the religionist who is immersed in devotion; there is consciousness because the whole universe is created out of consciousness.

The religious people will   think their devotion will pay; yogi feels his yogic Samadhi will yield fruits. They do not realize they ought to go beyond physicality to realize the higher truth to overcome the illusory duality, which they are experiencing it as reality. The unity in diversity is not possible until one has the perfect understanding of the self, which is formless.

The perfect understanding cannot arise until the one is receptive receive Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana. One will not become receptive to self-knowledge until he drops all inherited beliefs.