If one is seeking truth but
practicing yoga or Kundalini or any other practice for long years and finding
them inadequate and useless quenching his inner thirst has to drop them by
realizing they are only useful in preparatory stages to make him more receptive
to grasp the ultimate truth and they cannot transport him to the ultimate end
of understanding.
has to follow up his deeper self-search and get rid of the inborn samskara or
conditioning, which is present as ‘I’ or ‘I AM’. There is no need of buying
reading material or hearing the sermons and running to one place to another or
one guru to another or surrendering to any guru or glorifying any guru in order
to acquire self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
"Read and be wise" but only if the light of one’s own
consciousness awakens the deep-seated understanding is an inherent quality of
the soul, the innermost self.
Path of wisdom or Gnana is opposed to
common sense because common sense egocentric whereas the wisdom is soul
centric. Common sense is habitual and imitative. Common sense is very much
required in practical life within the practical world, but in pursuit of truth
sharpness to grasp and receptiveness soul centric intelligence attitude is very
much necessary.
can discover these best by considering the terms of praise or blame which are
employed in behalf of commonsense. When personal views are condemned as
contrary to common-sense is applicable only in practical life within the
practical world (realm of duality).
Opinions, views and Judgments based on common sense actual and implied cannot be accepted as ultimate and final because common sense can be applied only in realm of duality.
In pursuit of truth opinions, views judgments derived from commonsense has no value because the common sense is egocentric (form) whereas the ultimate truth is based on soul (formless).
The yogi sees the universe as a second thing
and he wants to banish the universe in Samadhi, because he does not know that
in nonduality there is no need to deny the universe. But he has to realize the
fact that, universe is not something different from the self, which
consciousness. Those who cannot grasp and realize this position, misunderstand
it, and wrongly hold it be yogic Samadhi where there is only blankness.
The presence of the world, which
confronts a Gnani, is not an obstacle to his realization; he does not need
yogic Samadhi. But yogi has imagined
Brahman as blankness or thoughtlessness thus he is still in the grip of
duality. Thus Yogis Brahman is but a
thought. Brahman is not a thought but
Brahman is prior to any mind or universe.
Thus one has to know what is prior to waking experience.
The yogi who wrongly thinks there is
Brahman to be got ,may attempt to do so, and may think he sees it, but all the
time he under the delusion of duality because he bases his- self on physical body, thinking Brahman to be
something different from the soul, which is the true self.
one becomes aware of the fact all the experiences of the three states and all
the thoughts and words are Mind and mind in turn is consciousness then he has
transcended thinking faculty