Blinded with the illusion very few grasp the Advaitic truth. Only a few escape from
the web of illusion by getting rid of the ignorance. Only few seekers are able
to acquire Advaitic wisdom.
Experience of diversity (form) becomes oneness in deep sleep and Oneness (formless) becomes diversity in waking or dream. Therefore, that which becomes the diversity (form), and that which becomes Oneness (formless) is not our physical entity, because the physical entity is present only in waking and dream. The one, which is aware of all the three states, is formless, apart and eternal which is the soul. The soul itself is ultimate truth or Brahman or emptiness.
The soul, the innermost self is neither the
body, nor the mind, nor the intellect, nor the world. The soul, the innermost self
is neither the breath, nor the body.
The soul, the innermost self is present in the form of the consciousness. The universe is a mere mirage created out of the consciousness. Thus, there is no second thing other than the consciousness.
Vedas declare holding anything else other than the soul as God, is ignorance.
The one which powers the illusion is the soul or the consciousness is real God. God is real and
eternal. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar
The Advaitic truth is beyond the mind. The mind is present in the form of the universe. The universe is present in the form of the form,time and the space. the man and his individual experiences happens within the universe. The universe appears as waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (deep sleep).
Every man has an initial urge to know the truth about his own self, since, he is conditioned by parental grooming and religious restrictions he follows the inherited path, which keeps him in the prison of ignorance permanently. the ignorance makes him to experience the birth, life, death and the world as a reality. The one who has an intense urge to realize the truth will discard his inherited conditioning and tries to venture to find the truth beyond religion, yoga and theories.
The deeper investigation reveals the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are illusory in their nature, and the soul, the formless witness of the three states is real and eternal.
The three states are mere mirage created out of the soul,which is present in the form of the consciousness. the soul is the innermost self. The witness and witnessed are one in essence. That essence is the soul or the consciousness. Therefore, the consciousness alone is real and all else is mere an illusion. There is no duality in reality, hence, it is non-dual. The one who realized this truth is a Gnani.
A Gnani is one who knows the fact that, he, his body and his experience of the universe are mere a mirage created out of the consciousness. Therefore, he is fully aware of the fact that, everything is made of the consciousness. The forms, names and words create division within the consciousness.
From the ultimate standpoint , the forms, names and words lose their meaning. And whatever exits without the forms, name and words, is real and eternal.
The ultimate truth cannot be explained, it cannot be argued, it
cannot be theorized, nor it can be discussed and understood through
intellectuality nor it can be experienced. It can only be realized.