Monday, December 14, 2009

The seeker should not cling to accumulated knowledge.

The soul or consciousness is the witness. The witness neither appears nor disappears. The appearance and disappearance are mare mirage within the consciousness. If seeker confines to waking entity alone the waking experience prevails as reality. Until waking experience prevails as reality, the experience of birth, life, death and the world as reality.   Until on has the firm conviction of his birth, life and death he will remain in ignorance the reality of his true existence ,which is beyond form, time and space. 

It is necessary for the seeker to verify the truth of his true existence to realize the mind, which is in the form of universe,  is mere mirage created out formless consciousness.  Formless Consciousness is the innermost self. And on the standpoint of the innermost self, the mind or universe or waking is mere mirage.  

The seeker should not cling to accumulated knowledge. He has to be ever ready verify the validity of his accumulated knowledge and receptive enough to receive the truth beyond form, time and space. 

The three states are not the experience of the physical body. The physical body is present only in waking and dream. Dream is parallel Waking experience and waking experience is parallel dream. Therefore, the dream is not experienced by the waking entity. Because the whole experience of waking experience is, absent in dream. The dream entity is not the experiencer of waking experience, because the dream is absent in waking experience. The dream entity is limited to dream and waking entity is limited to waking experience. The witness is apart. Therefore, the seeker has to realize the fact that, the dream world and the dream entity exists within the dream and waking world and waking entity exists within the waking experience. Waking and dream entities are absent in the deep sleep state. Therefore, the witness which is the soul/spirit is apart and unaffected because it is not an entity, or identity within the waking or dream. Thus on the standpoint of the soul the three states are unreal.