Monday, December 14, 2009

Limiting the consciousness to the waking entity is cause of the ignorance

The waking entity within the waking experience not aware of the formless witness of the three states because the waking experience, itself is the state of ignorance.  The formless consciousness, which is the innermost self, witnesses the three states without the physical apparatus.

The witness is apart from three states because it not and entity or identity or thing within the waking or dream But it is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

 Limiting the consciousness to the waking entity is cause of the ignorance and it is caught in the web of physicality. Until seeker becomes aware of the fact that, the individual experience of the birth, life, death and the world are nothing to do  with the formless consciousness ,which is the innermost self because it is not an individual because it pervades everywhere and in everything in all the three states.