Friday, March 19, 2010

The “Who am I? – inquiry is useful as a first stage to show the illusoriness of ego

People are most interested in themselves before they gets interested in the world therefore, the "Who am I?" inquiry leads only to reveal half truth.    The “Who am I? – inquiry is useful as a first stage to show the illusoriness of ego and it helps the seeker to prepare him to consider the higher question: What is the world, what is mind, what is “Self” the truth about which cannot be learnt by those attached to their ego, with its prejudices against idealism, etc. 

If one has doubts about why there are so many different animals and natural objects in the world he may regard them as teachers, there are lessons to be learnt from them by using reason. Why did Brahman produce all these varied forms? It is so that the ignorant man may study them and get wisdom. One has to study the all the three states and realize the fact that, so many different animals and natural objects and the world exists only in waking and dream.

The people who are on the path of “Self-Inquiry”  "Who am I?" may succeed in finding the common factor in all ‘I’s, the I-ness but they have to come back to the world. Their task is incomplete. They do not know the world is mere mirage created out of the Ataman and Ataman is ultimate truth.  

"What Am l?" revels only illusory nature of the ego/physical self.

“What is mind?” and “What is the substance of the mind?” revels the truth of the whole.  In pursuit of truth deeper understanding and sharpness to grasp the truth is necessary.  

The three states have to be analyzed and examined separately; and realize the fact that the witness of the three states is formless and apart.  The three states are mere mirages is arisen from the soul and witnessed by the soul and finally it dissolves as the sou. So the experience of diversity is mere mirage created out of the soul, which is the true self and it dissolves as the soul. Therefore there is no second thing other then the soul exits, which is in the form of spirit or consciousness.

The deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels the truth that the self is not physical and on the standpoint  of formless self the diversity is mere mirage.  Therefore, the mirage cannot be considered as reality but the formless substance and witness of the mirage is real and eternal.   

Meditation on the formless witness is the best meditation: meditation on the parts is only steps towards that.  Man becomes aware of himself and the world only in waking experience. With what one becomes aware of the waking and dream and deep sleep, when the waking entity is limited to waking experience. What witnesses the dream as a whole without the physical eyes because the dream does not arise until the waking entity and waking world disappears. The, one which is aware of the three states, which comes and goes in succession is apart and eternal.

The mystic and religionist disregard this in order to think of self.  Yogis, who jump at once to Atman disregarding to include the world in their inquiry will not be able to get wisdom.  Mystics or religionists are based on their belief not truth.  If one does not see the objects or one gets thoughtlessness, it does not mean he has wisdom.

Whoever looks at objects alone, at the external world, he is wholly ignorant. But he, who looks at both the outside and inside, inquires, analyzes and reasons; he is led towards knowledge. 

One has to analyze both mind and matter to get at truth. Two things are necessary to get the non-dual truth: -

 (1) Knowledge of the mind

(2) Knowledge of the substance of the mind which is the true self or the subject.

 When one starts inquiry he does it to please himself, not for truth; hence he asks "Who am I?" It is an elementary stage of discipline because it is   based on ego/physical self, but aiming at eliminate the ego.  It is impossible to eliminate the ego, because ego is false self within the false experience. Therefore, there is need to understand “What is mind” in order to assimilate the true self-knowledge.