Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  • True Self is neither the mind, Intelligence, Neither waking nor the dream, nor the deep sleep, nor the physical body, neither ether, world, True Self is Eternal Non dual Awareness.True Self is Consciousness!

    True Self is neither the vital breaths, Neither the five elements of the body, Nor its five sheaths,Nor the hands, nor the feet, nor tongue, Nor other organs of action. True Self is Eternal Non dual awareness. True Self is Consciousness! True Self is Consciousness!

    True self Neither fear, greed, nor delusion, Loathing, nor liking, Nothing of pride, of ego, Of ‘dharma’ or Liberation, Neither desire of the mind, Nor the object for its desiring. True Self is Eternal Non dual Awareness. True Self is Consciousness! True Self is Consciousness!

    True self do know Nothing of pleasure and pain, Of virtue and vice, , Of mantra, of sacred place, Of Vedas or Sacrifice, Neither True Self is the eater, The food or the act of eating. True Self is Eternal Non dual Awareness. True Self is Consciousness! True Self is Consciousness!

    True self has no Death or fear, Nor any distinction of ‘caste’, Neither father, nor Mother, Nor even a birth, Neither friend, nor comrade, Neither disciple, nor Guru. True Self is Eternal Non dual Awareness. True Self is Consciousness! True Self is Consciousness!

    True self have no form or fancy, it is All-pervading, Everywhere it exists, And yet True Self is beyond the senses, it has Neither salvation, Nor anything to be known. True Self is Eternal Non dual Awareness. True Self is Consciousness! True Self is Consciousness!
     ·  ·  · Tuesday at 3:22pm

  • Whatever experienced as waking experience [I] is not the experience of the waking entity because waking entity and the waking world are with the waking experience. The witness is that which witnesses the waking or dream as a whole without the physical apparatus. The witness is the formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness. The Formless witness of the three states [I] is real, apart and eternal.

    And without the formless witness the three states ceases to exist, because the formless substance and witness of the three states are one in essence. The essence is consciousness. There is no second thing exists other than consciousness.

    Without the formless witness, there is no Waking experience. the Formless witness [consciousness] can exist with the dream or Waking experience[duality] and it exist without the dream waking experience in deep sleep[nonduality] thus it witnesses the three states without the physical apparatus.

    Just like the dream is witnessed by formless witness, so also the waking experience is been witnessed by the same formless witness [consciousness]. Therefore, it is very much necessary to verify and realize that the man is not experincer but man is part of the waking experience, just like in the dream. The dream is parallel waking experience. In addition, waking experience is parallel dream. The Seeker who constantly reflect on its formless witness with earnestness and firm determination will able to get freedom from experiencing the waking experience as reality .

    Man and his world are present only within the Waking experience. Therefore, it is very much necessary for one to investigate the ‘I’, which represents the whole Waking experience.

    Man and the universe together is mind. Man and the universe are within the mind. They are absent when the mind is absent. Mind [I] appears and disappears. The knower of the appearance and disappearance is the consciousness.

    When the Seeker grasps and assimilates the fact that the ‘I’ is Waking experience and waking experience is mind. Waking experience is not the experience of the waking entity [ego] but of the Formless consciousness. As his conviction about it increases, he gradually realizes the fact that, the formless witness and three states are one in essence and then he will be able to mentally drop the idea of duality and prevail in nondual self-awareness in the midst of diversity or duality.
     ·  ·  · Tuesday at 3:12pm
  • Prior to the appearance of ‘I’, what was ‘I’? It did not exist as ‘I’, and then what was it. What is this ‘self’ without the ‘I’? ‘I’ is only a notion or mirage. Witness [knower] of the ‘I’ is eternal. Therefore the formless witness of ‘I’ is eternal not the ‘I’.
     ·  ·  · Tuesday at 11:42am