Monday, October 3, 2011

Till one thinks he an individual separate from the world he will not be able to assimilate the self-knowledge because he feels he is the doer or Author

Also this enquiry should have no previous knowledge of 'soul' and the phenomenon of 'illusion' otherwise it will lead to true illusion!

Till  one thinks he an individual separate from the world he will not be able to assimilate the self-knowledge because he feels he is the doer or Author.  The sense of doer ship is with in the waking experience which is mere illusion.  The people who think they are born in this world and world existed prior to them have not gone into deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning.  

They base themselves on the physical entity, and stuck to their intellectuality and accepted their accumulated knowledge as truth.  They will not accept anything as truth other then their understanding on the base of ‘I’ which is the false base.  They remain in  confusion and try to argue on the physical base such arguments has no end, because the truth is based on the formless and false is based on the form(ego or waking entity).  Thus, whatever is seen known, believed and experienced on the false base has to falsehood.  Thus the birth, life and death [even the sex] which is based on the physical entity is part and parcel of the falsehood. 

Intellectuality is limited to physicality.  Thus, the mind cannot cross the threshold of duality and they are stuck to finding the truth through sex, virtues, love, good deeds and compassion which is the attributes of the false self within the false experience.

Until one gets convinced that the ‘I’ is not self, he will remain in ignorance of the true self which is formless. If self is formless then the birth life and death has to be illusion. Therefore it is necessary to know and realize the fact that the self is not the form but it is formless before indulging in the inner mental journey.

Inquiry is not the set of questions but clearing all the doubts and confusion through deeper reasoning on his own.   There are no scope arguments in pursuit of truth, because it is personal journey starts within the falsehood and ends in realizing the truth. Thus the arguments based on the false self will not lead one towards the nondual goal. The seeker of truth has to share assimilation of knowledge and help and inspire the fellow seekers and divert their attention from outer to inwardness.
Deeper self-search is to know:-

v  With what one knows himself and his experience of the world?

v  How he and his experience of the world have come into existence and with what?  

  Until one becomes aware of that,  that ,which is responsible for him to function as a person and perceive the world, he will not become aware of the fact that, the true  self is formless, nameless identity.

It cannot be called anything and it cannot be approached, because it exits prior to waking/dream. And prior to the appearance of waking and dream there is nothingness or emptiness.  That emptiness or nothingness itself is the soul/spirit, which is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Without this formless substance which is in the form of consciousness noting can exist. The formless soul, the innermost self is the center of the physical existence.  When the center is aware of the objects (waking or dream) it becomes mind.  When the center is aware of its formless non-dual true nature it is soul/spirit.  

Until one reaches the source through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning he will not be able to reach and understand, assimilate and realize the self.

Accumulated knowledge is not the yardstick to judge what is truth and what is untruth. Until and unless one knows what is truth how he can know what is untruth. Therefore, being in illusion and inquiring on the base of false self within the illusion leads only to intellectuality.  Therefore, there is a need to indulge in deeper inquiry and know the ‘I’ (waking entity or ego) is the false self, and the true self is without the body that is formless. If one gets the conviction that the self is formless, then he is ready and prepared for the inner journey.

All the knowledge of the physical existence [man + world] is not based on the body, because the self is not the body. Therefore, it is necessary to know the self, which is not the body, to know the self is independent and the body + world are dependent on the Self to function itself and perceives the world.

If one says:- To me the only fact is the 'Present' where the 'I' is nothing but memory; so the question of 'soul' does not arise to live in the Present.

Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning reveal the fact that, if ‘I’ is there then the waking experience is there. When the ‘I’ disappears the waking experience disappears.  Thus ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity within the waking experience, but to the whole waking experience.   When we limit the ‘I’ to waking or dream entity, it becomes ego.  If we base ourselves on ego and try to understand the truth we will not be able cross the threshold of duality, because the truth is beyond the three states.  Whatever we experienced as reality within the waking is falsehood. Whatever prevails without the falsehood is the formless soul, the innermost self from where the waking or dream rises and subsides. 

If one says:- To me the only fact is the 'Present' where the 'I' is nothing but memory; so the question of 'soul' does not arise to live in the Present.

The present becomes past moment to moment. The past, present and future are reality only on the base of physical self.  The form, time and space part of the falsehood. The physical self and the world cease to exist without the waking experience.  The memory is based on the individuality. The individuality is reality within the waking/dream. The waking is parallel dream. And dream is parallel waking experience.  The body and the world [waking/dream] are mere experience. The experiencer is formless.  When the experience disappears the formless experiencer [spirit] prevails as birth- less and deathless identity which is our true self.  On the base of true self waking and dream are mere mirage created out our true identity. 

If one says:-   The world illusion effects us everyday, to earn a living, conflicts and challenges; to which we respond; just as you are responding to these questions.

Until we consider the ‘I’ is the self the burden and bondage of duality is on ego/physical self. Once one realizes the fact that ‘I’ is not the self the burden and bondage is on the formless source from where, the duality or mind rises and subsides.

Once one establishes his reason on the source(soul or consciousness), waking(duality) is mere mirage which is a passing show.    Thus the, to earn a living, conflicts and challenges are reality within the passing show.  The formless source is the true self, which is the formless witness of the passing show. The passing show is bound by form, time and space.   The reality is formless, timeless and spaceless existence.