Many think there is purpose behind their birth. This is true on the base of `ego ' which is false self. When one becomes aware of the fact that `I' is not the self and consciousness is the true self, then he becomes aware of the fact that the birth, life and death are part of the mirage, on the base of consciousness as self. People who think and judge on the base of their birth entity will never be able to cross the threshold of duality, because they have accepted duality as reality.
Many think that the supreme consummation of life is union with the God. This may be the consummation of experience, but the true consummation is other than this. It is a direct knowledge that there is no power outside of the true self with whom to unite, that there is only one without a second, no other, and that is the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.-FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
When one changes from within his outward mind-set and outlook also changes. One has to grasp this fact thoroughly that no change can occur in the physical level. If he could change through intellectual understanding, a man would undergo a transformation after listening to some sermon or after reading some book or after hearing some discourses on spirituality. But it does not come to pass. The question arises, why? The reason is that one is based on the physical based ideas and thought and never relay on the inner revelation. The intellectual understanding is never very deep. Until one learns to view and judge the worldview on the inner core [consciousness] no real change can be wrought. Thus rectifying the seeking base is necessary to assimilate the self-knowledge. Character is formed by inner urges based on the form. The illusion all arise from the formless core. Thus it is necessary to view and judge the worldview on the base of the formless core which is consciousness, which is the true self.
There are two bases one is intellectual and the second is spiritual. The intellectual base is used for the worldly life. The spiritual base is for the understanding and assimilation of self- knowledge. Until the intellectual base is rectified to the spiritual base, there can be no grasping of the nondual truth. Thus one has to understand when he views and judges the worldview on the base of physical body as self, he cannot think beyond duality. If he views and judges the worldview without the physical body, that is, as formless self, then the truth will start unfolding on its own. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Love and hate propel one to action and I am the doer-notion also arises when one propel himself to do the action to gain or to get rid of those objects of likes and dislikes. The notion of doer-ship arises in the resulting actions - the binds one further since it leaves with him with some more ingrained impressions which propel him into further actions, etc - thus becoming a vicious circle. The one who has all the above notions is - is bound himself to his notions.
These transactions are possible when one has the notion that what he sees as a person of the world is real - - That is worldly truth is taken as real due to ignorance of the true existence.
The formless witness is beyond any bondage or liberation. One can also understand as the formless witness appears to be bound since bondage is notional and not real due to false identification with the false; but which is taken as real.
When the false- hood of the false is understood when one realize that `I' is not the true self but the Ataman or/spirit is the true self. Then false remain as false only, but a notion that that false is real is gone for good. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Everybody has got a world of their own within the waking or dream. The animal or the bird has got its own world. A deaf man, a blind man, a mad man, a savage, a genius, a mystic, a child, a seeker, a thief, a billionaire and a peasant—all have their own respective worlds within the waking or dream. Everyone lives in each other’s waking or dream. The waking is parallel dream. And dream is parallel waking experience.
One, who is immersed in ignorance of the true self, will not be able to realize the ultimate truth. Only through self-knowledge the ignorance vanishes.
The real `self' is the eternal soul, which is in the form of consciousness. The real `self' is destitute of change, whereas the `Mind' [waking or dream] is constantly changing. The `mind ' or waking or dream is mirage. How can then the `mind ' be the ever pure consciousness? –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
As soon as one realizes that self is not the form but self is formless then he becomes free from experiencing the illusory birth, life, death and the universe as reality. True Self is free from the bondage of Karma, from the fetters of desires, from the mirage of this mundane life and its concomitant evils and miseries.
One sees the clouds. The clouds move continuously but their moment is within the waking/dream. If one takes a photograph, he sees the Clouds in the picture, but there is no motion of clouds in the picture. Motion is mental creation within the waking or dream.
Motion means duality. Motion is mind. The object appears to move only. Motion is illusion. Behind the objects that move there is the absolutely motionless consciousness which witnesses the motion. Consciousness is still, it is all-pervading, and Infinite. Consciousness is everywhere, because it is all-pervading and infinite.—FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Intellectually grasping these spiritual ideas doesn’t get you anywhere. You have to live and breathe these truths. The difference between an enlightened person and a non-enlightened one is only of awareness; the enlightened one is aware that he is enlightened!”
When one speaks of separation of the soul from the body, he endorses the concept of reincarnation. The soul never dies. The birth, life and death are mere illusion.
We hear day in day out about cases of reincarnation. Children recalling minute details of places they’ve never seen, people they’ve never met. But they happen in the waking experience. And waking is as real as dream. The individual experiences cannot happen without the waking or dream. Thus whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced as a person is happening within the waking /dream. Thus birth, life and death are individual experiences and part of the waking/dream.
By: Santthosh Kumaar
It is very difficult to convince people that they should rise above the illusions that are created by the physical world unless the base for such a realization is built right from childhood. So many religions have created so much confusion in the minds of an average person that he performs his religious duties mechanically without ever trying to understand the infiniteness of the true self. Thus it is impossible for a worldly people to assimilate the self-knowledge without the inner urge.-- FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
While thinking of an object the mind verily identifies itself with that, and while thinking of a void it really becomes blank, whereas by the thought of Consciousness it attains to perfection. So seeker should constantly reflect on nature of Consciousness by deeper thinking and reasoning to attain perfection.
Only those, in whom this Consciousness being ever present grows into maturity, attain to the state of ever-existent Consciousness; and not others who merely deal with words.
Also those persons who are only intelligent in discussing about Consciousness but have no realization, and are very much attached to worldly pleasures, are in consequence of their ignorance. The aspirants after Consciousness should not remain a single moment without the thought of Consciousness.
The nature of the cause inheres in the effect and not vice versa; so through reasoning it is found that in the absence of the effect, the cause, as such also disappears.
Then that ultimate reality Consciousness which is beyond speech alone remains. This should be understood again and again verily through the illustration of water and the snow.
By: Santthosh Kumaar
In this way alone there arises in the pure-minded a state of awareness of Consciousness, which is afterwards merges in itself.
Seeker should first look for the cause by the negative method and then find it by the positive method, as ever inherent in the effect.
Seeker should verily see the cause in the effect, and then dismiss the effect altogether. What then remains, the one himself becomes.
A seeker, who constantly reflects upon Consciousness with great assiduity and firm conviction, becomes that very thing.
The seeker of truth should always think with great care of the invisible, the visible, and everything else, as the true Self which Consciousness itself.
Having reduced the visible to the invisible, the seeker should think of the three states as one with Consciousness. Thus alone will he abide in eternal felicity with mind full of consciousness and nondual existence?
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Just as water is thought of as a cloud (made of it) and threads as a cloth, so is Consciousness, Just as gold is thought of as an ornament and water as waves, so is the Consciousness, Just as the stump of a tree is mistaken for a human figure and a mirage for water, so is the Consciousness, Just as a mass of wood work is thought of as a house and iron as a sword, so is the Consciousness, Just as one sees the illusion of a tree on account of water, so does a person on account of ignorance see Consciousness as the body and perceives the world within the waking or dream.
Thus through ignorance arises in Consciousness the delusion of the body, which, again, through Self-realization, disappears in the supreme Consciousness.
When the waking or dream is known to be Consciousness, and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Consciousness?
The scriptural theory, that karma does not lose its hold upon one even after the origination of the knowledge of Consciousness, is now being refuted.
After the origination of the knowledge of Reality, one becomes aware of the fact that karma theory is mere imaginary theory based on the ‘I’ which is false self. The waking becomes non-existent when the wisdom dawns; just as a dream does not exist on waking.
By: Santthosh Kumaar
People perform all their actions in and through Consciousness, but on account of ignorance they are not aware of that, just as through ignorance persons do not know that snow and clouds are nothing but water.
Just as there ever exist the relation of cause and effect between water and a snow, so does the same relation exist between Consciousness and the waking/dream; this has been established here on the strength of inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
Just as (the consciousness of) water forces itself upon our mind while thinking of a snow, so also does the idea of Consciousness flash on us while contemplating on the waking/dream.
Consciousness, though ever pure to a Gnani, always appears to be impure to an ignorant one), just as a rope always appears in two different ways to a knowing person and an ignorant one.
Just as a snow is all water, so also is the waking or dream all Consciousness. The division, therefore, into the Self and non-Self is made by the ignorant to no purpose. Just a nacre to be a piece of silver, so is the Consciousness determined to be the body by an ignorant person.-FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar