That Karma which is done in a previous life which produces the present life is mere religious theory, because when ‘I’ itself is not self and the true self is birth less entity. But such Karma theory has no value in the realm of truth, as self has no birth. The one which is born, lives and dies is the false entity within the false experience.
Just as the body and the world in a dream is superimposed and therefore illusory, so is also this body and the world in the waking is superimposed.
The birth, life and death are part of the waking experience and waking is superimposed, and in the absence of waking which contains the body and the world there is no room for karma at all.
The ignorance to be verily the material cause of the waking or dream just as water is of a cloud. If the ignorance is destroyed, how can the three states subsist?Just as a person out of confusion perceives only the snake leaving aside the rope, so does an ignorant person experiences the world/dream within the waking without knowing the reality? The real nature of the rope being known, the appearance of the snake no longer persists; so the substratum being known, the waking no longer remains as real. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
The body and the world are being within the waking/dream and therefore unreal, how could karma exist?
And all the actions of a man perish when he realizes Consciousness as self which pervades in everything and everywhere in the three states. Thus the concept of karma is reality only in illusion.
If the ignorant still arbitrarily maintain this, they will not only involve themselves into two absurdities but will also run the risk of forgoing the reasoned conclusion. So one should accept those reason alone from which proceeds true knowledge.The Consciousness that is absolute existence and knowledge cannot be realized without constant practice. So, one seeking after self- knowledge should long reflect constantly upon nature of Consciousness for the attainment of the nondual goal.The abandonment of the illusory universe by realizing it as the all-conscious Consciousness is the real renunciation, since it is of the nature of immediate liberation.That which is well known as the origin and the support of the waking/dream, which is immutable and in which the enlightened are completely merged … that alone is known as eternal Consciousness.Converting the ordinary vision into one of knowledge one should view and judge the three states one the base of Consciousness itself. That is the noblest vision, and not that which is viewed and judged on the physical eyes. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
When duality appears through ignorance, one sees another; but when everything becomes identified with the Consciousness, one does not perceive another even in the least in the midst of duality, because he is fully aware of the fact that the whole experience of diversity is created out of Consciousness.
In that state when one realizes all as identified with the Consciousness, there arises neither delusion nor sorrow, in consequence of the absence of duality. Consciousness, which is the Self of all, is verily Consciousness.
This waking experience, though an object of our daily experience and serving all practical purposes, is, like the dream, of the nature of non-existence, inasmuch as it is contradicted the next moment.
The dream experience is unreal in waking, whereas the waking experience is absent in dream. Both, however, are non-existent in deep sleep which, again, is not experienced in either.
Thus all the three states are unreal; but their witness the reality behind them is, beyond all attributes, eternal, one, and is Consciousness itself. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Just after the illusion has disappears; the self is no more deluded to see the duality as reality. A Gnani no more see waking/dream as reality in Consciousness.
Just as water is described as an ice block, gold as an ornament, so is Consciousness described as duality.
Just as blueness in the sky, water in the mirage, are but illusory, so is the waking or dream in consciousness. Just as a castle in the air, is illusory, so is the appearance of the three states in Consciousness.
Just as it is water that appears as ripples and waves or again it is water that appears in the form of cloud so it is Consciousness that appears as the waking or dream.Just as it is water that appears under the name of a snow or it is threads that appear under the name of a cloth, so it is Consciousness that appears under the name of the waking/dream. This Consciousness is to be known by negating the names. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Just after the illusion has disappears; the self is no more deluded to see the duality as reality. A Gnani no more see waking/dream as reality in Consciousness.
Just as water is described as an ice block, gold as an ornament, so is Consciousness described as duality.
Just as blueness in the sky, water in the mirage, are but illusory, so is the waking or dream in consciousness. Just as a castle in the air, is illusory, so is the appearance of the three states in Consciousness.
Just as it is water that appears as ripples and waves or again it is water that appears in the form of cloud so it is Consciousness that appears as the waking or dream.Just as it is water that appears under the name of a snow or it is threads that appear under the name of a cloth, so it is Consciousness that appears under the name of the waking/dream. This Consciousness is to be known by negating the names. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
The person who”, being deceived by illusion, “sees variety in this Consciousness, and believes the experience of the birth, life death and the world as reality.
Inasmuch as all beings are born of Consciousness, because they exist only in waking/dream, and waking/dream is created out of Consciousness the true self, they must be understood to be verily Consciousness.
The Consciousness alone is the substratum of all varieties of names, forms and actions within the waking/dream.Just as an ice block has the nature of water, so also the three states are born of Consciousness has always the nature of Consciousness.Fear is attributed to the ignorant one who rests after making even the slightest distinction between the ‘I’ and the Consciousness. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Consciousness us the ultimate cause of the duality. The spirit and the matter seem to be opposed to each other in duality, but in reality there is no duality because the matter is mere mirage created out of the spirit.
All the forms and names are nothing but sprit. The sense of form, time and space are within the duality. All dualistic experiences are reality within the duality. The duality is mere mirage from the ultimate standpoint. Thus nothing is born, nothing lives and nothing dies in nondual reality. Thus the universe, where the birth, life and death takes place is mere mirage created out of consciousness. The consciousness alone is real without the mirage.
The thought of the witness [soul] comes only when one inquires in to witnessed [mind or universe]. A person sees the world within the waking or dream. The witness is not the person who sees the objects and things within the waking or dream. The witness is that which witnesses the coming and going of the three states, without the physical apparatus. This has to be grasped mentally.Religions place God as the unknown reality. Everyone has a different idea of God. Every man has a different idea of truth. Hence there is need of definition before study.The fallacy of religionist’s appeal to scripture lies in the varying and conflicting interpretations of the same scripture which different men feel entitled to give or hold.The yogi or mystic who sees or experiences something in his meditation which he takes as the highest, but he is fully unaware of the fact that , the waking experience itself is falsehood from the ultimate standpoint. Thus all his experiences are part and parcel of that falsehood. Thus how his visions and experiences and Samadhi based on the false entity within the false experience can be ultimate truth. When the self is not the form but the self is formless consciousness then all the theories and experiences and visions based on form as self is bound to be falsehood. Thus whatever based on the form as self has to be negated mentally. Whatever prevails without the form, name and experiences is ultimate truth.Only in duality one imagines the existence of god. When the duality is not reality then whatever one imagines and experiences within the duality is falsehood because the duality is reality only when one considers the self as form but deeper inquiry revels the fact that the self is not the form but the self is formless. Thus imagining and accepting the theories based on the form as self is cause of ignorance. And ignorance is cause of experiencing the duality as reality. Duality is cause of accepting the birth, life, death and the world as reality. Thus getting rid of the ignorance with deeper introspection and realizing the fact that, the self is not form but self is formless consciousness, is the only way to overcome the illusory experience of duality, in the midst of duality. –FORMLESS PATH
By: Santthosh Kumaar
Although, because of the veil of illusion, this call of Ancient one may appear as a voice in wilderness, its echo and re-echo nevertheless pervades through time and space, to rouse at first a few, and eventually millions, from their deep slumber of ignorance .and in the midst of illusion as the voice behind all voices, it awakens the humanity, to bear witness to the manifestation of god amidst mankind. The time is come, I repeat the call, and bid all comes unto Me.
I give you all the blessing that the spark of My divine love may implant in your hearts the deep longing for love of God.
-Meher baba[From -Who is Meher Baba]Ref:-extract from teaching of AVB back cp]
By: Santthosh Kumaar
As one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not the form but the self is formless consciousness and rectifies his reasoning base from form to formless in order to realize the ultimate truth.
Thus the view that the body is the Consciousness has been denounced by the enunciation of the difference between the Consciousness and the mind. As one goes deeper in self-search one becomes the unreality and the difference between self and the mind.
No division in Consciousness is admissible at any time as it is always one and the same. Even the individuality must be known as false, like the mirage. Consciousness appears in the form of the phenomenal universe without undergoing any change. There exists no other material cause of this phenomenal universe except consciousness. Hence this whole universe is but consciousness and nothing else.
The whole universe with all its contents is Consciousness”, it follows that the idea of the pervaded and the pervading is illusory. This supreme truth being realized, where is the room for any distinction between the cause and the effect?There is no manifoldness in consciousness. The non-dual cause being an established fact, how could the phenomenal universe be different from It?Because of the belief in variety in the words, “The person who”, being deceived by illusion, “sees variety in consciousness, experiences the birth, life, death and the world as reality.Inasmuch as all beings are born of Consciousness, the supreme Consciousness, they must be understood to be verily Consciousness. The Consciousness alone is the substratum of all varieties of names, forms and actions.Just as ornaments made of gold ever has the nature of gold, so also a being born of Consciousness has always the nature of Consciousness.Fear is attributed to the ignorant one who rests after making even the slightest distinction between the ego [form] and the true self [formless].When duality appears through ignorance, one sees another; but when everything becomes identified with the Consciousness, one does not perceive another even in the least. In that state when one realizes all as identified with the Consciousness, there arises neither delusion nor sorrow, in consequence of the absence of duality. Consciousness, which is the Self of all, is verily Consciousness.- FORMLESS PATHb
By: Santthosh Kumaar