Sunday, December 25, 2011

Seeker has to practice discrimination between the subjects and object, and renounce the object

In waking experience everything is subject to change, yet everything is covered by the consciousness.  Seeker has to practice discrimination between the subjects and object, and renounce the object and he has to be strong in his conviction that waking entity is not the self but the soul or the consciousness is the true self.

This waking   is constantly changing it becomes deep sleep and it again becomes dream. Man exits within the world and the world exists within the waking or dream. But that which sustains the three states is never changes. It is always the same. That is, the formless soul or consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. On soul or consciousness everything rests. It is like a movie projected on a screen. The movie changes but the screen is constant. Similarly, the waking or dream is projected on the formless soul or consciousness.

Waking or dream is a mere mirage. The mirage has no independent existence. It exists because of its substance from which it is created out of, and it ceases to exist as soon as a one becomes aware of the substance. The Mirage then dissolves into the substance from which it is created out of. In the same way, when one knows the formless soul or  consciousness as the innermost self , the three states merges in merges into it and one realize that subject and object are one in essence.

To attain self- knowledge is the goal of truth seeker. The three states then cannot taint the true self. Ataman’s contact with it is merely like that of a piece of sandalwood, which has long been under water and has thereby come to acquire a bad odour. For a while the fragrance of the sandalwood is suppressed and the bad odour prevails. But if the sandalwood is rubbed a little, the bad odour disappears and the natural fragrance of the sandalwood becomes predominant. Similarly, soul or consciousness’s attachment to the three states is temporary. It cannot be permanent.

One has to realize the soul or consciousness as the innermost self to realize all the three states are one in essence. Therefore, there is no second thing exists other than consciousness the innermost self.   –FORMLESS PATH