ancient times people were simply curious sought some knowledge of the
sun and stars; but in modern mind set have brains, they are ready to
inquire and reason, and acquire knowledge of the self.” they begin with a
doubt and finally clear all the doubt and realize the reality.
In the confusing multiplicity of doctrines, each has his own theory, he does not have time to think and inquire if it be
true. Yet doubt is the fist step to knowledge for the thoughtful. On
the other hand, seeker of truth must never be satisfied with mere
skepticism, have the hope that one’s doubt will be solved, and go
forward. Reason tells one what is good and what is bad, what should be
followed and what let alone.
Seeker should pursue this quest until
all his questions will be answered, until his doubts and confusions will
disappear and solved.
- How does he know that scriptures are true?
The sages, seer or prophets might have been mistaken. To accept these
scriptures without verification and proper reasoning is to possess the slave mentality.
That is why Buddha said :-
No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.