Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nothing is exiting , nothing ever existed


 Q: The term "void" is used in certain scriptures. I’d like to know your thoughts on it ultimately, rather than mid-way - i.e. do you see all things being resolved back into Atman, or does the world of form, in a sense, constitute the Atman or brahman ? I think the psychology is helpful to go beyond duality?

Ans:- All these confusion are bound to exist on the base of ‘waking entity or ego’ as self.  However, when one becomes aware of the fact that, ‘waking entity or ego ’ is not the self but the formless soul or consciousness  is the innermost  self, and he is able to view and judge on the base of soul, then he also become aware of the fact that,  nothing is exiting , nothing ever existed.  But to come to this understanding, it takes time, because one has to do lots of home work to mentally  burn unnecessary accumulated  dross.

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana destroys the ignorance.


The ‘I’ disappears as deep sleep, so what is the use of being attached to it? It is impermanent and illusory.

There is really no ‘I’ which in the form of mind. And mind is in the form of universe. And universe   appears as waking or dream. The ‘I’ or mind or universe or waking or dream dies disappears as deep sleep.  Thus one that appears as ‘I’ or mind or universe or waking or dream is consciousness and it disappears as deep sleep is also consciousness.  In deep sleep it is in its formless non dual true nature.  The one, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states, is also consciousness.   Thus the witness and witnessed are one in essence.    
Thus the    universe is reality on the base of individuality and universe is unreal on the base of the consciousness, which is the innermost self. The seeker gradually will grasp and realize the unreal nature of the universe or mind. Individuality is illusory because the self is not an individual because self is formless and it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. .

Dualist’ sages have written big volumes about the soul. Yet they are quite ignorant of the fact that the ‘I’ about which they write itself comes and goes and has no permanent existence, is only an idea after all.

 One has to unlearn whatever he has learnt and accumulated on the base of ‘I’. 

Until the self identifies with the flesh and blood, and material world, it is caught up in psychological apparatus, and believes the duality as reality. The truth is beyond psychology.

Until one considers ‘I’ itself as self, he cannot go beyond psychology, because psychology is based on ‘I’ as self.  Thus one has to understand the psychology is limited to the physical apparatus, it cannot go beyond the physicality.