Monday, July 30, 2012

Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the self is not a form but formless consciousness. Thus our judgment and reason also has to be on the formless not the on the form

Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the self is not a form but formless consciousness.  Thus our judgment and reason also has to be on the formless not the on the form.  Thus rectifying the reasoning base is necessary to understand and assimilate’ what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’, otherwise it leads to pursuit of argument or intellectual speculation or logical conclusions. .

When the self is not physical, but the self is formless consciousness, then the question of evolution does not arise. Only when one takes the physical apparatus as self, then this then the evolution theory is reality. The body and the world are with in the mind. The mind is illusion, on the standpoint of its formless substance, which is consciousness. Consciousness is the true self and
The truth is hidden within the illusion and it is without the illusion. When self is formless, then the body [brain] and the world are mere illusion. That is why the truth realization is possible only through perfect understanding and assimilation.
The reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to unfold the mystery of the mind or illusion. When self is not physical it is erroneous to judge and reason and conclude the truth on the base of ego, which is the false self within the false experience because it leads to intellectual speculations.
Even science:-
Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness
by :Alva Noƫ. Hill and Wang, 2009
Alva No, a University of California, Berkeley, philosopher and cognitive scientist, argues that after decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers "only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious ... has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue." The reason we have been unable to explain the neural basis of consciousness, he says, is that it does not take place in the brain. Consciousness is not something that happens inside us but something we achieve it is more like dancing than it is like the digestive process. To understand consciousness the fact that we think and feel and that a world shows up for us we need to look at a larger system of which the brain is only one element. Consciousness requires the joint operation of brain, body and world. "You are not your brain. The brain, rather, is part of what you are."