Thursday, August 16, 2012

Knowing the ultimate truth means knowing that consciousness(soul) exists.

The Soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness is the innermost self. The witness (consciousness) can never be something known. The ego being known cannot be the witness. Whatever is seen and known cannot be taken as reality. Therefore, mind (universe or waking or dream) cannot be considered as real, because they appear and disappear.  The witness of the appearance and disappearance of the mind (universe or waking or dream) is consciousness. Consciousness is ultimate reality or Brahman.   

Ultimate truth is known only in the negative way. One cannot make it an object of knowledge. One can know that he cannot have an idea of an object unless he posits a knower, unless the knower is implied already. The witness itself is wisdom, that is, it knows everything else. The self is known only when one sees something else, for that other thing reminds him of it. The self is unknowable as an object.

Knowing the ultimate truth means knowing that consciousness(soul) exists. The word “know” implies duality, something known; on the other hand Wisdom does imply an object. Consciousness, the innermost self knows the universe or waking or dream as an object. The knowing powers, the Formless Witness, the knower can have no statement made about it, other than that its existence cannot be negated. The ultimate truth which one can know is that consciousness is not something to be known.